Unanchored part does not fall

I unanchored a part and for some reason it doesn’t fall. It seems to only fall when a player gets close to it or something touches it. There are no scripts in my game so I don’t know what could be doing this.

As you can see in the video, the part is unanchored but doesn’t fall only until a few seconds
I have tried restarting my computer and roblox studio and also changed games but still the same thing happened.
Thanks :smiley:


What are the children beneath the specified Union part?

It is a script but I commented everything in the script. The script was originally used to check if a part touched it and then it would activate a RemoteEvent to unAnchor the part.

This is because NetworkOwnership. You changed the part to be unanchored on the client, so the physics aren’t applied until the NetworkOwnership is passed onto the client.


Ohhh, is that why it only works when I run my game and not play my game?

If you change the properties on the server, it should work fine. If you don’t know how to do this, click the “Current: Client” button on the Test tab, and then change the properties like normal.

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so how would I make a script that runs for the client (localscript) fall for this part. This problem originated when I made a script to trigger a remote event if the part was touched, and then the localscript would unanchor the part only for the person that touched it. But the unAnchored part would fall and then stop falling. How would I make that?

You can use BasePart:SetNetworkOwnership(Player) on the server when firing the remote event.

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Is it normal that I do not find SetNetworkOwnership?

Apologies, I meant BasePart:SetNetworkOwner(). Note that BasePart should be replaced with the part that you are unanchoring.

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Hmm, I seem to be getting an error
Network Ownership API cannot be called on Anchored parts or parts welded to Anchored parts.

That means the part you are calling the function on is anchored. Make sure it is unanchored before writing this.

I can’t really do that because I need to make sure that the part is anchored so that it doesn’t fall without the player touching it.

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@dukzae May I ask, since it’s possible to un-anchor a part and make it not fall down due to a NetworkOwnership, what should I set NetworkOwner to?