I made another post and I can’t delete this one, refer to that instead
Why do I have to pay to see your ordering GUI?
Can you please include some in-line screenshots?
It’s incredibly annoying to have to click on all the links
hm? it shouldn’t do that. I republished the game and checked the script, you can try again
i put them outside the details thing so that now they auto play instead of being just a link
Nice and I may be hiring you sometime, but I don’t see that creator symbol next to your name.
I’m available for some part time jobs for now. DM me and we will discuss payment and tasks
Hey, We need a programmer for our game. We will pay you 20% of the game’s revenue if success
Please accept my FR on discord: DevFrags#2441
We will talk more there. Looking forward to working with you!
Hey, I can give you even more than 10$. I am interested in a long-term but if you don’t want to do it, I can give you the money first (through paypal). Because our team really need a lead scripter right now. Contact us Yon #2020.