Uncopylocked VR game with physics

Warning: This place is buggy. I would recommend waiting for my VR framework, Anaglyph. It should be released in 2 weeks and I will link it when it’s done.

I uncopylocked this game for many reasons(scope creep, physics bugs, another developer making a game like it, and me just not having fun with the development of it.)
It has a some-what good physics system, custom tracking, and has some moduality to it(however I don’t have comments in the code).


This place is amazing! Can’t wait till I get myself a VR headset to try this out! Keep up the good work!

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This is really awesome!

In the CoreGUI_Removal script, what is the purpose of the following? Why is it in a loop like this?

-- Removes cursor
while true do
		VRFolder:WaitForChild("UserGui", math.huge).Parent = nil;
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This is very interesting. I had no idea you can choose the timeout argument to be math.huge, I’m gonna assume that has no effect and it’s just some fancy scripting, or that actually tricks Roblox and instead of stopping the possible infinite yield it actually infinitely yields. Is pcalling the function necessary? Only problem I can think of is VRFolder not existing.

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Yeah I’m gonna do a few tests in a minute.

Only issue is I can’t find my god damn Bluetooth USB dongle ahh - no Bluetooth = no controllers

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This is the post that I used to remove the VR cursor.


Very cool! Is there a way to allow non-VR players to join normally? Or is that not possible-

It’s possible, but I wouldn’t recommend using this place anymore. I’m working on a open source VR framework called Anaglyph which would significantly better than this.
The hands are broken(this is a problem with Roblox) and I don’t recommend doing what I did. My framework is a lot more well thought out than this.

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Oh, alrighty!

What an coincidence… I just got a VR headset and I was looking into coding with VR. This should help me so much, thank you!

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I have quite a big trouble messing with the physics and VR because Studio pops up translated to the chinese language??

Weird. I don’t know how to fix that.

Sorry for a late response…

U think there is any way to fix the hands? I would really like for them to work.
Also, have you finished Anaglyph yet? I would really like to check out the source (if it is open-source)


Is Anaglyph released yet, or are you still working on it???

I do want to start work on Anaglyph again, however I am taking a break from Roblox development to work on other projects. Expect a update in January-February 2021.


I don’t want to push you on this, but are you done with Anaglyph? Because I’d love to make a VR game and have more entertainment for people with VR headsets. I still can’t really find any usefull stuff to help me out so I really look forward to your framework!

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This might sound dumb but is there a way to test a VR game without having a VR set?

No, simply just no. You need a vr headset.