Undiscoverable on Search With New Username


Hello everyone so I’d like to start of by saying this is a follow up to this post because this is a side effect of this bug occurring. So I changed my name and it bugged a few times and now when I look my self up under my new username it doesn’t show any results. Tried to sign up with the same new username bug says taken in the name box. When I looked up my old username I’m the top result as if it were my current username.


I’m using Safari version 13.0.5. but this doesn’t matter from my knowledge I’ve tried this on Chrome too and it still occurs.


  • Follow the weird name change errors in 1-3 in my original post.
  • Then look up your new changed username.


Old Name:

New Name:


It is a known fact that the search system, especially for players (we won’t even talk about the problems with game searching), is quite clunky. When you try to search someone up, it is so imperative that you get the username exactly correct, or else:

a) you can’t find them (no results)

b) a million results appear with the provided search term (like “TaylorSwift” and “TaylorSwift01” comes up while searching “TaylorSwift”, but wanted to get “TaylorSwift1989” which is hundreds of pages in); of course, do to the large size of the platform

And even then, there is a chance that it can be filtered, which doesn’t make sense because for that username to exist on Roblox, it has to pass the system (maybe it’s different across the website for whatever reason).

In the meantime, if this does affect you a lot, use a player’s useID instead as you can just put that into the URL after the domain without the inclusion of anything afterwards.


I changed my name and search working without problem

This was a side effect of this bug occurring. To do this you must do the other bug.

If you want to search for ROBLOX accounts you should do it via Google, it is a million times more convenient and actually shows you the result of your search, unlike the crappy Roblox search version which has been broken for years at this point.

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Thanks for the report! We’ve filed this internally and we’ll follow up here when we have an update for you.


I am in the process of checking over bug reports and following up on some bugs that haven’t received any activity in a while.
Is this issue still occurring or can you confirm that this bug has been resolved?


No this bug has been fixed for me. However I seem to remember a few weeks ago who had the same issue. I’d check just to be sure though.

I had a similar issue when trying to pay out a user from my group:


Link to his profile: ollie - Roblox

He has two username changes, having gone from youte8 to iAqua_Dev to his current name.

As a workaround, I was able to pay out the user by searching for iAqua_Dev; this process did not work for youte8. To search for the user, I was able to search for the two previous usernames.

As the above dev comments state, This issue Is no longer occurring! If this issue is begins occurring again, please create a new topic for us to look into.

This seems to patch for me; however, I know this is reoccurring for other people so please don’t dismiss it just yet.


Currently, my username “toolston” is undiscoverable. I have had this issue with the past (several months ago) with Team Create, with people being unable to find me despite entering my username correctly. My old username is also unable to be added to Team Create or added as a payout recipient in Groups.

(This is the only way I can respond, can’t create a new topic in BR yet)

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