Unified Marketplace Fee for Dev Products and Game Passes

So far this is one of the most thoughtful updates that ROBLOX has released to date.

This allows a wider scope of users to earn a sufficient amount of robux, and eventually real money by using DevEX, further making the “developing” side of ROBLOX all the more interesting.

Thank you so much ROBLOX for adding this update! Hope to see some more generous updates in the future! :+1:

Yess, This is amazing! Now i can get more funds.

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The marketplace fee is only incentive for the developers / clothing makers who use the market on roblox to earn robux. However that same incentive is still there as they require Premium in order to use Dev Ex. Which roblox will never remove because that’s the main incentive for developers to purchase premium.

I guess, it still seems like the better business practice in the long run for a 30/10 tax cuts for free and premiums. I’m not complaining though, I don’t have to worry about profit anymore even if I forget my Premium ran out.

This is a great update! As a ‘newbie’ developper this can motivate you to be more productive and concentrated! thanks !

This is an amazing update, although I’m a bit late, it’s glad that making money will be easier for more developers around the platform! :slight_smile:

Does this update include for group game passes and dev products, or is it just 1-person created game?

This applies to group games as well.

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I’m a bit late but I have a game and the marketplace fee for paid access is still 90%? Is this intended or is it just a bug.

This would be a horrible change or Roblox as a company. What’s the point of premium then? For a developer, not really anything. Roblox would lose a lot of money from that and Roblox has to make money to stay a business. Allowing non premium players to use DevEx would be a the worst thing for Roblox to do as a company.

I think this is my favorite update I’ve seen in months! I helped create a game a few years ago and I always tried to have builders club to get 70% of what we made. For some reason I always had it when nobody was playing the game (not that we had a lot of players anyway). When I didn’t have a membership, like four people would spend (for us) a lot of robux! Great job! This will be great for small developers who can’t buy premium every month to keep their revenue up!

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Thank you roblox for this Update! As a small dev who has just joined a team of other small devs who are making a game this is a really good feature especially combined with Premium Payots.

Thanks lolhi0404!


yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! this is better than premium payouts :happy3:


Does this include vip servers, because im still seeing 90% on them

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No. As the OP says, this only applies to game passes and developer products; not clothing, plugins, or VIP Servers.


Great update! It helps out all developers, and may inspire more developers to bloom! Great job!

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Brilliant progress towards making development more accessible for all.

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I am actually a bit confused about VIP servers not being included. First off, Roblox encouraged Devs to set their vip server prices to 10 robux, which is already a significant reduction for many, so to take 90% off of that leaves you with a single robuck. If you are going to reduce the fee for the dev products and game passes, why not servers as well? There is nothing stopping me from creating a custom VIP server system that uses dev products, but that undermines Roblox’s own and to be quite honest, is not as convenient. I feel that if Roblox encourages devs to drop their VIP server fees during this uncertain time, we should at least be given the 70% instead of only 10.


Thank you very very much! I cannot imagine it! I don’t have premium anymore, and my game is pretty much has little revenue, but thank you i can get a lot of robux from my game, and not little anymore!

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Another amazing change from the legenedary coefficients (the coolest guy on the roblox staff team, like seriously guys haven’t you seen how cool he is?)