Unified Marketplace Fee for Dev Products and Game Passes

Nice idea but it wouldn’t be the best choice, the reason why I asked for non-premium users to have the ability to create shirts/pants is because I’m about to open a business on Roblox and I can’t really get premium right now to create the shirt and so it really sucks. There will definitely be a downfalll of additional botted clothing on the catalog if non-premium users ever get the ability to create shirts/pants so in order to prevent that from happening they can at least let non-premium users to have a limit on how many shirts/pants they can upload, so for example “As a non-premium member you can only upload 2 shirts or pants, if you want to have freedom on how much you want to upload then buy premium!”

or alternatively, they could just add a price that you have to buy to upload shirts/pants, just like what they did with groups. Nobody wants to create a group that its name is already taken due to people spamming creating groups so they made everyone buy 100 robux to create a group, why would they not do this for clothing as well?

Now, I know that this topic is not about allowing non-premium users to have the ability to upload clothing but I just hope Roblox sees this and make a decision.

Thanks for informing me!
I hope they add this feature to in the future!

Finally something good! I love this update, this will be so useful for tons of players!

Great. I couldn’t believe the fee used to be 90% before since i have had premium for longest time so i never had problems with that.

Okay I wont lie the idea of non-premium accounts being able to pay Robux to upload shirts actually sounds pretty cool.


That’s simply amazing! However, I am quite worried though because recently we have seen a lot of scam games on Roblox and with this update they can easily make more profits now, so is there gonna be something done about those games?

It would be a mess if non-premium members can upload shirts/pants regardless of the limit because they can easily make new accounts and upload more clothing.

Another question, doesn’t this update and allowing non-premium members to create groups for free reduces the features of premium? And if I am not wrong this is probably gonna reduce number of premium members too.

Well then they could just make veteran users to have the ability to create clothing so then people won’t just create new accounts and upload more clothing.

Then people would just make a bunch of accounts and wait for them to become old enough to upload clothing. Limiting these features based on time doesn’t work, and just ends up hurting fair players (especially if it’s a long time to wait) while simply just making things slightly harder for players abusing the system.


The only way they could do it is by making them pay to make clothing. :man_shrugging:


Now if we could get a decent way to pay users other than through a group that was relatively scam proof. (Maybe requiring to enter your Password?)

Does anyone know if VIP servers are included in the new unified fee? I have a very large amount of VIP servers and do not want to end up with R$1 for each of them, rather than R$7.

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The fee should be removed for paid-access games as well. I decided not to renew my premium and lost a lot of money because of it!


If DevEx for non Premium users happens and the games I work on get successful, I’d probably cancel my Premium subscription.

Which is why that won’t be a thing.

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To be honest, I don’t think that’s a sound thing to do from a company perspective, making it so any users can cash out what they make when also generating little revenue to them (which normally would be generated by premium) seems like an easy way to miss out on a lot of money.
You have to keep a balance.

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This is the update that got me wanting to start to develop.

There’s a bug with VIP servers, though. Currently it still has 90% on them. Here’s an example:

The server was priced 10 :robux_gold: but I only got 1 :robux_gold: from the purchase. Hope this can be fixed! :slight_smile:

Well, it seems to work in a group, but not for individual creators’ games.

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