Unified Marketplace Fee for Dev Products and Game Passes

Even more reason to repeal it. That’s 100 less Robux developers need to start making real revenue from their games. Going from 10% to 70% is a seven-fold increase!

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Does this change apply to t-shirts and shirts? If so this would really change the game!


This is very helpful, thank you!


What are you talking about? This post is stating that the fee is now ALWAYS 30%; instead of 30% of premium users and groups and 90% for non-premium users

I believe t-shirts already had the 30% fee for all. Correct me if I’m wrong though.

This is a huge step towards Roblox’s development! I can’t wait to see what improvements Roblox will make in the future!


This is amazing! I wonder why they don’t push us to buy premium to make groups, decrease tax, do they just want to give back to the community or there’s something behind this? Ok, I sound like a conspiracy theorist now, lmao.

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Well done Roblox! This update is amazing. I’m glad Roblox is taking the steps to make Roblox games a business.


Wow, I no longer have to worry about losing almost all of the robux from my games in case I don’t renew premium!


Aw man when i first glanced at this I thought they were lowering the 30% tax rate but this is good too haha. Glad to see this taking effect

Oh my god, I thought this never came true! Thank you very much for this update’ :smiley:

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This is a great update!
Sure to please the non-premium devs.

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Now this is called

Ooh! This is wonderful! I very much approve of this.

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Really? No way. Not an april fools joke?

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Thank you so much for this change!


Great change, but now, when you removed the 5 max group limit for non premium and also made same fee, its quite useless to have premium.

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As a non-Premium User, thats so great! But I Think premium fee should be atleast %10 because this makes premium less good.

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Boys, after years of fighting, we’ve finally lived to see a rare spectacle. Thank you.

This change is very welcome! I hope this improves the Roblox economy!