Unified Marketplace Fee for Dev Products and Game Passes

Thank you, thank you, thank you Roblox!



Personally I believe the unification of the marketplace fee is a great thing, to forward the platform a lot more. By making limiting features less restricted, it allows for more users to enter the developing side of the platform and earn revenue easier.

This is relatively off-topic; but I still wanna include it here:

I believe (“I” is the keyword!) that this move from Roblox is to make Premium more for the players. What I mean by this is that instead of the Premium membership benefits coming directly from Roblox, the rewards come from the games they play. This associated with the recent announcement of tripling the premium payouts makes a lot of sense to me.


Yes I agree very much. This might heck things up, especially because most people only buy premium to sell for 30%. :flushed:. This might reduce premium sales but it will 100% get old developers to maybe come back.


The 90% fee on NBC/Non-Premium sellers didn’t seem to make sense, and with groups becoming usable as workarounds later on, it made even less sense.

I’ve been hoping for years for this change. Thanks!

Amazing! This is going to help so many people! You guys are doing amazing things right now! :wink:

Simply amazing news! Starting off April right!

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Will this fee be applied to limited items as well? If a user loses Premium while their limiteds are onsale, and sell them after, they currently have a 90% marketplace fee. It would be wise to remain consistent in charging users a flat rate for everything, so I’d hope this would go down to 30% as well.

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That’s fantastic. Roblox developers without premium can now make lots of robux from their games. :slight_smile:


Literally the best thing that’s happened on roblox so far.


this is a really great update to roblox and for developers , thank you so much roblox. :smile:

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This is very good for developers who don’t have premium!


I used to shell out an embarassing amount of money just to receive the benefits that formerly Builders Club (which locked way more features, even just having 30 player servers once before) and now Premium. Admittedly, it wouldn’t be wrong to say I still do, but not in the same excess I once did.

That money loss has become very hard on my wallet with me entering dire times, especially since I’m not particularly earning right now, so this update is nice to have. My Premium subscription and subsequently my string of subsequent membership subscriptions for over my entire 10 years of Roblox ends now.

Having equal market accessibility and opportunities to net income without Premium is very beneficial so that I can prime up my Robux wallet first and then, with anything I do have to spare, purchase Premium and turn over a profit for cash that’ll be future-needed.

Developer accessibility has never been more important with our developer community expanding every day and granting these new developers the chance to make their dreams a reality on the spot without a major amount of barriers blocking features and gains to them.

This update is more than welcome. I offer nothing but thanks from every fiber of my being for slashing the market tax for non-Premium users.


Now you no longer need to give Roblox your money for premium to still get good revenue from stuff in games, sweet!


I like the idea! But it should be 30% for non-premium and like 5% for premium.

Premium is being destroyed. Tons of features are being taken away, like groups, and this.


This is great! This update was NEEDED for a very long time, Maybe in the future we can get a group revamp.


Chapeau bas for you ROBLOX.

This is the best update you ever done in my opinion.
This helps small and low-budget devs to earn robux without wasting 90% of their work.
Thank you!!!

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Oh yes yes finally grats for roblox you finally also take care of non-premium devs


Nice! I just started a project a couple weeks ago and looks like it’s going to go at a good start money-wise :+1: Thanks!


I guess giving people even smaller rates for being a premium user would be more beneficial.


EQUALITY! At last, the premium is changing directions to extra benefits for players and not developers. :sunglasses: