With the removal of TIX, all that time ago, TRA wanted a uniform selection GUI so that TRA members wouldn’t have to purchase uniforms with Robux. As the generous person I am, I decided it would be fun to make one that works for all clans!
1. Table of Contents
2. Features
- Shows you a list of all uniforms available for your rank and groups
- Saves your chosen uniform
- Allows you to chose no uniform and wear your normal outfit
- Has a search bar for searching through the uniforms
- Has a nice preview of the uniforms
- Open source module containing a table of all the uniforms so that you know I’m not doing anything dodgy
- Ability to change the GUI if you know how to code
- Works with FE
- Supports groups that use TShirts to depict rank
- Allows players to buy the uniforms in-game
- Ability to set default uniform per group and rank in places (e.g. winter uniform in winter fort, normal uniform in other forts)
3. Usage
a. Player
b. Place Owner
To use this service in one of your places, insert the Setup Model into game.ServerScriptService
If you would like to view the module being required into your game you can view it here
4. Supported Groups
WIJ Shock Troopers, WIJ High Command, Green Gods, Lynx Empire, Frostbyte Brigade, || Tʜᴇ BLACK COBRA Lᴇɢɪᴏɴ ||, Black Wolf Empire, The Chivalrous Dominance, OutBound, The Mortem Coalition, Nightfall Clan , Chronim, Vortex Security: Imperial Fists, The Robloxian Army Developers TRAD, The Robloxian Army TRA, Federation of Arcadia, WIJ Officer Council, || Imperial Armada ||, Orion Offensive, X-101st Legion Main Army, Frost Mage Clan, John's Cobras, The First Encounter Assault Recon, The Zarixian Dominion, Warsaw, WIJ, The Nighthawk Imperium, The Alphian Empire, The Spade Armament, V O I D, The Roblox Assault Team, U.E.R.F, Vanguard Federation, Venom Supremacy, Warriors of Robloxia Faction [W.R.F], Forfox Army, Vaktovian Army Corps: Entrance Program, Thorn's Fist, Vortex Security: Kytheriian Sentinels, Vortex Security Stormtroopers (VS), The Robloxian Army Valkyrie Unit, R.A.A, Imperial Space Force, The Genenexus Army, Mercury Imperium, The Raven Empire, The WIJ Alliance, H I T M A R K E R, Cat Soldiers, ReaΩvers, RSF | Covert Operations, Warband, Urban Assault Forces, Audrex Empire, Vortex Security, Alpha Authority, RSF, [S-WAVE] Shockwave Corporation, Ark Empire, The Robine, Black Wolf Empire || Bloodhounds, Tad's Cobras, Roblox Empyrean Legion, Elite Delta Army, Shadow Syndicate, Alversian Peoples' Navy, Arcerian Regime, Terran Cohort, Arvorian Confederation, RSF | Medical Unit, Knights of Corvus, Super Mutant Unity, Redtisian Empire, Allied Airborne, Starlite Corporation, Combat Ready Organization, The Zenus Legion, Kingdom of Aevia
5. Support
- If you'd like me to add support for a group send me a message in the following format and I'll add them to the module. Replace [GROUPID] with your groups ID and [RANK] with the number of the rank that the Shirts/Pants/TShirts are for.
GroupName - [GROUPID]
RankName [RANK] - ShirtId, PantsId, TShirtId
RankName [RANK] - ShirtId, PantsId, TShirtId
RankName [RA...
If you find an issue with an existing groups uniform feel free to send me a message detailing the problem.