Unintended Infinite Execution Time Between Recursive Callback Functions (Quadtrees)

Good afternoon developers,

I’m currently trying to make a Quadtree system as part of an extreme optimization overhaul for a project I’m working on. It heavily utilizes recursive and callback functions, which has caused me some interesting issues I can’t quite figure out.

The two functions in question are part of the Node Class, the functions Node:Insert and Node:Subdivide these both call each other under specific circumstances, and eventually should resolve and stop execution when the point has been properly inserted and the Node subdivided if necessary. Unfortunately that is not the case, and these seem to be calling each other infinitely for a reason I can’t figure out.

Additionally, this does not happen every time a point is inserted, but only sometimes. It is most likely to happen when the Node has a low point capacity and many points are being inserted at once.

I have tried to put print statements and use Breakpoints but unfortunately due to the random nature of the bug these attempts have been unsuccessful (Print statements do not actually print when the bug occurs for some reason.)

There are some functions here that should be self-explanatory based on their names, but I know it’s specifically these two functions because the output window shows them being called infinitely, and no other function upon the bug occurring.

-- Point = A metatable that contains a Vector2 for Position
-- Self.Points = A table of all the points the node and it's children nodes contain
-- Self.ChildrenNodes = A table of all the children nodes of the node.
-- Self.Boundry = A rectangle class that acts as the Bounds for the Node
     -- Contains a few methods that work with 2D space and use computational geometry
-- Self.Divided = A bool that describes if the node has been divided or not
-- Self.Capacity = The maximum amount of points that a node can have before it subdivides

function Node:Subdivide(Point) -- Creates 4 children nodes, subdivisions of the parent node
	if self.Divided then -- If the node is already divided, try to put the point under one of the child nodes via brute force
		for _, node in ipairs(self.ChildrenNodes) do
	self.Divided = true
    -- Create variables for the  Node's relevant boundary info for ease of access
	local Pos = self.Boundry.Position
	local Size = self.Boundry.Size

	-- Create the bounds for the new nodes
	local BoundsNE = Rectangle.new(Pos.X + Size.X / 2, Pos.Y - Size.Y/2, Size.X/2, Size.Y/2)
	local BoundsNW = Rectangle.new(Pos.X - Size.X/2, Pos.Y - Size.Y/2, Size.X/2, Size.Y/2)
	local BoundsSE = Rectangle.new(Pos.X + Size.X/2, Pos.Y + Size.Y/2, Size.X/2, Size.Y/2)
	local BoundsSW = Rectangle.new(Pos.X - Size.X/2, Pos.Y + Size.Y/2, Size.X/2, Size.Y/2)

	-- Create the new nodes themselves
	local NorthWest = Node.new(BoundsNW, self.Capacity)
	local NorthEast = Node.new(BoundsNE, self.Capacity)
	local SouthWest = Node.new(BoundsSW, self.Capacity)
	local SouthEast = Node.new(BoundsSE, self.Capacity)
    -- Insert the new nodes into the ChildrenNodes table
	table.insert(self.ChildrenNodes, NorthEast)
	table.insert(self.ChildrenNodes, NorthWest)
	table.insert(self.ChildrenNodes, SouthEast)
	table.insert(self.ChildrenNodes, SouthWest)
    -- Put the point under one of the newly created children nodes
	for _, child in ipairs(self.ChildrenNodes) do
		for _, point in ipairs(self.Points) do

function Node:Insert(Point) -- Inserts a point
	if not self.Boundry:Contains(Point) then return end -- If the point is not within the node, do nothing
	table.insert(self.Points, Point) -- Insert the point into the node
	if #self.Points >= self.Capacity then -- Subdivide if the node is over capacity

The functions are supposed to be able to be called under the Master Node, or the Node that has no parent and is the parent for all other nodes, and go down the chain automatically to properly assign the points to the correct nodes.

P.S. I do realize I spelt “Boundary” wrong, as “Boundry” in the code, I’m too lazy to fix it, sue me.

Which error do you get in the output exactly when this occurs?
If it’s the script exhaustion timeout one (can’t remember exact wording) you could try extending the allowed script execution time in studio settings as it looks like it could just be tripping the threshold on this.

If this is the case adding a condition for a certain number of operations/execution time to yield the thread for a step should help prevent it in future.

This is what the output window looks like upon the bug being triggered.

Its also important to note, that it is integral this bug does not occur at all, and the Quadtree can properly build itself. So putting a band aid on like limiting execution time is not an option.

If I were to limit execution time and allowed this to happen, the spatial queries useful in the context of quadtrees would become useless as the quadtree itself would not be properly built.

The best solution for me would be to make this be impossible in the first place so that the Quadtree properly inserts points and builds itself when prompted without incident.

Found the issue, which was actually 2:

  1. In the Node:Insert() function, if the Node Capacity was equal to 1, even if a single point was added it would subdivide, so it’d keep trying to subdivide and subdivide and subdivide because at least one of the four child nodes contains that point.


if (#self.Points >= self.Capacity) then


if (#self.Points > self.Capacity) then
  1. If a lot of points are being added, it is possible that a few points would be very, very close together, causing essentially the same issue even if the Node Capacity was greater than 1. This is not a 100% chance every time, but it is very likely once a significant number of points are in play. This was fixed by adding a MaxSubdivisions value to the Quadtree so that it can only subdivide so much.


if (#self.Points > self.Capacity) then


if (#self.Points > self.Capacity) and (self.SubDivisionLevel < self.MaxSubdivisions) then
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