United States Military Group (USMG) Drill and Ceremony Guide

Certainly! Here’s a brief guide on Drill and Ceremony tailored for your Roblox United States Military Group (USMG):

Drill and Ceremony Guide

1. Types of Commands

Commands in drill and ceremony are categorized into two main types:

  • Preparatory Commands: These commands prepare the troops for the movement they are about to execute. Examples include “Forward,” “Left,” and “About.” They set the stage for the action and usually describe the direction or the type of movement.

  • Commands of Execution: These commands signal the execution of the movement. Examples include “March,” “Face,” and “Halt.” These commands follow the preparatory commands and should be given in a sharp and clear tone.


  • Preparatory Command: “Forward”
  • Command of Execution: “March”

2. Basic Drill Movements

  • Attention: The basic standing position. Heels together, feet at a 45-degree angle, arms straight at the sides, and head and eyes straight ahead.

  • Parade Rest: Feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the back, head and eyes straight ahead.

  • At Ease: Relaxed stance; feet shoulder-width apart, hands clasped behind the back, allowed slight movement but not talking.

  • Present Arms: A salute, either with the hand or by rendering the rifle (if applicable).

  • Order Arms: Returning from the present arms position to the position of attention.

  • Right/Left Face: A 90-degree turn to the right or left, executed by pivoting on the heel of one foot and the ball of the other.

  • About Face: A 180-degree turn to face the opposite direction, pivoting on the heel and ball of one foot.

3. Dress, Cover, Interval, and Distance

  • Dress: Alignment of troops in a formation. Each soldier aligns themselves to their immediate right or left to maintain a straight line.

  • Cover: Alignment behind the person directly in front. Troops should align themselves with the person in front to maintain proper spacing.

  • Interval: The lateral space between troops. Standard interval is typically one arm’s length.

  • Distance: The space between ranks. Standard distance is usually about 40 inches, enough to allow free movement.

4. Unique Commands

  • Column Movements:

    • Column Right, March: The unit makes a 90-degree turn to the right.
    • Column Left, March: The unit makes a 90-degree turn to the left.
  • Flank Movements:

    • Right Flank, March: The unit turns 90 degrees to the right in unison and continues marching.
    • Left Flank, March: The unit turns 90 degrees to the left in unison and continues marching.
  • Counter March: A complex maneuver where the unit reverses its direction by executing a series of movements.

  • Close Interval: This command reduces the interval between troops, typically to about 4 inches.

  • Extend Interval: This command increases the interval between troops, usually back to the standard arm’s length.

5. Marching

  • Forward March: Begins the movement of the formation in the direction faced.

  • Mark Time March: Marching in place, lifting the feet alternately without moving forward.

  • Half Step March: Taking shorter steps, typically about 15 inches.

  • Change Step March: A quick movement to shift the lead foot, often used to correct a cadence error.

6. Saluting

  • Salute: The act of showing respect, typically done with the right hand raised to the brim of the hat or the eyebrow if no hat is worn.

  • Hand Salute: Used when wearing a cover (hat). Raise the right hand sharply, with the fingers extended and joined, palm facing down, and touch the brim of the cover or the right eyebrow if no cover is worn.

  • To the Colors: Saluting the national flag during ceremonies or while it is being hoisted or lowered.

7. Dress and Appearance

  • Uniforms: Ensure all members are in the designated Roblox military uniforms for your group, maintaining a professional and uniform appearance.

  • Covers: Hats or helmets that complement the uniform. They should be worn squarely on the head with the brim parallel to the ground.

  • Accessories: Any additional gear or accessories should be worn as specified by the group’s standards.

Following these guidelines will help ensure that your group’s drill and ceremony practices are sharp, disciplined, and professional. Remember, precision and attention to detail are key in executing these movements effectively.

Additional Tips

  • Practice Regularly: Regular drills will help members become more proficient and confident in their movements.
  • Commands Clarity: Always give commands loudly and clearly, ensuring that every member can hear and understand them.
  • Attention to Detail: Pay close attention to alignment, spacing, and the precision of movements.
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