Roblox when good and useful updates? You don’t care about people and new devs.
This is a serious question, but if you rely on Roblox to pay rent - how is 200 R$ a lot? 200 R$ at the DevEx rate is 70 USD cents, for an amount you will get back if you don’t get plays.
I’m genuinely curious - does the new system have that much of a financial impact on you? This is not meant to sound condescending, I’m just… surprised that someone would be that impacted
Please don’t remove User Ads!! Ads Manager is so weird, it’s like rolling a dice, the system is very unfair for many developers. Also User Ads are the big charm of Roblox.
Uhm, you can only buy credits at an amount of 10 credits and higher, which means its 2850 robux at minimum-
Also the people who don’t like it can literally just use an ad blocker and boom it’s gone
Also I have a feeling they’re doing this because the current ads only appear on the website for PC users that don’t use an ad blocker, which, even tho it’s most likely more than enough for most devs, roblox is trying to make it reach out to all devices, but by doing it in probably the worst way possible, if they knew what roblox devs do to get money they’d understand there’s literally gonna be games with more BILLBOARDS WITH ADS THAN ACTUAL GAMEPLAY
Couldn’t they just try to port the ads to their app from the devices?? Sure, for phone it could be hard, but that’s not an excuse when they could ATLEAST use the Rectangle ad, as that one can fit anywhere in the bottom of these devices, which would encourage people actually getting these ads since if I’m honest they’re straight up useless as they’re always just at the bottom of the page, where people tend to NOT look…
At the beginning they wanted to hide ads for players below 13 years but now it’s gonna be intrusive in-game.
If Roblox dares to delete Ads Banner.
Developers will do free ads to attract players on social links like TikTok…
I swear to god there’s gonna be so much backlash they might actually add them back because for normal devs it’s a GREAT feature and for players it’s overall not intrusive at all and if they find it intrusive they can always just, you know, GET AN AD BLOCKER?? I have an ad blocker but I purposefully disabled it for Roblox because I genuinely love the ads, how quirky they are and just how much personnality they give to the website, which otherwise, in my opinion, is just a corporate lifeless blank page with buttons on it… but they’re probably doing it just for the money if I’m honest in order to remove concurrence for the already existing games and to make life for the CORPORATE entities easier, not the average player
This truly is empirical evidence for how flawed and random this system is, ultimately proving it’s unfair and giving new developers a hard time to push their amazing new game concepts. ROBLOX does NOT live up to its slogan “Powering Imagination.”, this update is doing the exact opposite, revert it asap!!!
Basically, you are pushing developers away from your platform so that they advertise, for example, on TikTok. btw, it would be better if you took care of your moderation system, I got banned for saying "we can play tomorrow”.
Groups can advertise games/shirts
If a player has seen to many ads at once, ads will not show.
How do I delete my Ad Account, sites too garbo now? Back then the community was on site than today. Pay for uploads, no open forum, game search? what is that? When you guys removed forums I knew it was over. Got my info lucky you but this change is so much more garbage than UserAds. UserAds was perfect and simple. Even gave you impression amounts depending how many robux you put it in. The bidding tells me now how much of a maximum im willing to pay for 1k impressions. That is not helpful at all. I’m going to pay the least amount for 1k impression, how many impressions am i getting all together please?
I try this thing now and it feels overly complicated and a bit cumbersome for no reason. I know the system was better before so why would I participate in obvious garbage. Feel like I’m making a bad decision using this new system. I made the user account not even realizing how much has changed ugh.
My biggest gripe is this change became a thing because you guys are too lazy and cheap to actually fix your moderation system. I was temp banned for uploading a shirt with the file name “Image_1017.” It somehow provided personal information, yeah personal to the image file.
You know what’s really intrusive, your moderation. Who knows the next thing I make could get me permabanned so why am I here? How many band-aids do you think you can put up before the bad stuff underneath still peels through the bleeds? You guys still have a huge 9reditor problem but yeah UserAds are an issue and annoying, ok. Priorities clearly defined. Site was fun at this point might as well use an actual game engine.
Idk why any of us are still here creating for this site that has no respect for the people who make them money. When roblox is not roblox anymore and will not be in less than a decade from now. All you see on the front page is sludge, no disrepsect but simulator games im sorry steam simulator games are more of a game than roblox simulator games. The other half of the front page spectrum is all subject to copyright lool. SLUDGE. There is no basis for many games existence besides extending playtime and pop up give me robux features.
And to the people who didn’t like user ads because of cringe and obvious scams. Ad block. You were probably already using it but don’t praise something you never really cared about or were apart of.
These cringe ads were honestly one of the best community aspects of roblox. Someone here said it made roblox look like a joke. YEAH THATS THE POINT, its for FUN. Remember that thing you had as a kid. Did you forget what type of site you’re on? The game engine itself is a joke matter of fact! Don’t take it that serious. If roblox wants to be seen legitimately, make a legit game engine where realistic graphics are not a novel concept in 2024 my guy. Unlock the framerate for the love of god. Those realistic meshes aren’t even that good in terms of you know, 2024. Might as well play a ps2 game. Even on max settings it’s ridiculous how resource intensive it is to keep up those settings. Worse than Minecraft imo.
You may not like that part of the community and that’s ok but you honestly don’t have a say then. Instead of praising things you aren’t apart of put more pressure on roblox actually making a competent moderation system so they can stop this band-aid spree of making redundant changes because they don’t want to fix the core of the issue. Because who knows what the future holds. Your favorite feature might get gutted for no reason because roblox said moderation? what’s that? Lets cut 5 features with no ready replacement and add the one thing that’ll be the saving grace and put a price tag on it so we make money. In essence we are at the end times of community freedom on the site, a community in general is dead given I need a discord. I need something that is not roblox to have a community at all. If no one can interact with each other really beyond a hur and dur, what is there to moderate am I right? lol
The new advertising system is not very effective.
These are the results of recent ad campaigns I’ve used through their new advertising system that is sponsorship-based.
First and foremost, bidding on clicks/plays is kind of ridiculous, IMO.
Second, I’ve spent about 26,000 R$ combined on these ad campaigns over the course of about a month, and the associated clicks/plays were extremely low. Granted, I spread the ad campaign around, and didn’t spend that much robux, but the results I got were absurdly low.
I remember a time that spending upwards of 50,000R$ was enough to get you 1,000-2,000 CCUs, and now, with half that amount, you can’t even get close to half that many CCUs.
Maybe I am using the advertising system wrong, like I’m not bidding enough, and if I am, I would appreciate tips, but this new advertising system seems very ineffective.
this is the main problem i see with roblox management nowadays. they create excuses and then make something worse that often contradicts their excuse, this is because they don’t have any good reasons because there are none. thats why they have to make a fake excuse to help sell the idea which is going to hurt them in the long run and is already doing so
they need to start reimagining the way they manage their platform on god - or for that matter just reimagine whoever is in charge here making all these bad decisions
This is very harmful to small developers. It means you can’t buy ads directly with ROBUX anymore, and you will be out-bidded by the likes of Walmart and Gucci. It also means ads will not be shown in the places where users are looking for games (like the games page).
I hope ROBLOX can take a step back and rethink this decision, and all the harmful effects it can have on its hard-working developers.
Did you read my post at all? I said that you can’t buy ads directly with ROBUX anymore. You have to buy ad credits now, which have a higher barrier of entry.
removing the banner ads is just a very very stupid idea and whoever had that idea should be fired, no offense but that was one of the best ad formats and i personally liked them a lot, can roblox make one good change for once for hecks sake or are they heckbound on destroying this platform and all its identity in one sitting?
i don’t have 3k i am not rich i am a small developer i should advertise my game on custom price even if i find 3k robux and advertise If no one clicks on my game, my 3k Robux will be wasted.