Upcoming Ads Roadmap and Changes

Group Owner bros… It’s never been as over as it is right now…

(Oh, and don’t even believe for a second that they will replace it with some group discovery crap. How many broken promises do we have to hear before we understand this?)


I know many people who use ads block and keep ads specially on Roblox website. Roblox could try to put some banner ads on mobile version, would be cool.


You already give that when you buy robux or continue paying for premium.


Group ads exist lol, you can link an ad to your group

This text will be blurred

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I’m imagining the lights in the eyes of investors turning into high beams at the news: “Non-blockable unskippable video ads … in Roblox games?”


This honestly needed to be done. Roblox ads as they are today have been a problem for years, and at no point in recent times have I ever been so persuaded by an ad to say “OH MY GOSH I HAVE TO PLAY THIS!”. I’ve witnessed a lot in the last 11 years I’ve played roblox, but this is one of the better updates, assuming it rolls out the way they say it will.


Alright I’ll make sure to put this on my calendar (I would rather them give us a wrong date then no date at all)

Once again Roblox states a statistic without providing any proof, its not hard to take a screenshot of a damn chart and put it for us to see!

Oh sponsorships…yk the thing that everyone hates because of how bad it is…

When you say DevEx rate do you mean like you need a minimum of (lets say) 5k to convert it? Or can we convert the normal minimum amount of robux that ads allow?

“Hey guys lets make the update public and add a FAQ but instead of giving answers we say that the rest of the information will be given out later but not provided a exact date”
Fr tho, WHY DO YOU DO THIS?!?! When you make post like this you should have all the information ready so us developers will fully know whats going on and how it will work.

Ah ok so you release another half(ykw) update with THE BARE MINIMUM!

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Group discovery, that when you will search unpopular group, many “sus” groups will pop up, except for the group that you are looking for that haven’t got anything with the group you were looking for.

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All for new ways to make money but why on earth do we need a special manager for ads?
seems unnecessary to me as the current system seems to work fine as it is, not against the improvement though so hoping to see it soon.

if this helps get BETTER games to see the light of day then I’m all for these changes.
I just don’t want to see the whole Obby library in my discovery feed again as I feel those games are a joke to what the platform can achieve and often still retain scammy and predatory prompt spam.

Not alot of people spend the time to realize that the engine ROBLOX uses can be used for more than simple obby games which died back in 2016 or earlier in terms of quality.

if you unironically play obby games then stay away from me.

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The uniqueness in roblox it has to stay thesame not following the Goodle and YouTube Ads.


Nice, please we NEED Gui Ads

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I do not wish to give Roblox my ID and my location. This is horrible. I do not see the need for this either, seems unnecessary.


Okay roblox, respectfully what the heck is this? I doubt making sponsors more expensive and less accessible will help either devs or your revenue stream in general. Removing robux as the primary form of payment is not the right move in my opinion, though at least we can convert robux to ad credit if we REALLY NEED it.

Removing user ads I’m kind of on the fence about as some of the ads are kind of funny, though overall I don’t think that part will have a huge impact on the platform, and as you stated, I believe it will help make advertising more intuitive, even if said advertisements are made 10x harder to access. (Don’t quote me on that, it’s an exaggeration of an immeasurable thing)

Guess influencer promotion is officially the new meta for advertising, if it wasn’t already better.


Looks like we have our answer, the minimum bid is $0.01 for sponsors.


People don’t really click on classic advertisements anymore and they’re not really worth the money most of time these days, so I can see why Roblox is discontinuing them tbh.

It’s definitely a bit disappointing to see that they’ll be gone soon, but it’s probably worth it if we’ll be getting a better advertisement system afterwards.


Perfect! Thanks for the info. I’m more okay with this change now. However I’m still concerned that changing to a CPP model will increase advertisement costs. The algorithm could keep showing games with terrible icons at a low CPP bid, and make it so games with high click through rate get worse impressions.

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Why are you asking for my address? No thanks…


Pointless for Indy developers. I know from recent experience that they only way to get a new game seen by enough people to matter, you need to dump hundreds of dollars of advertising into it because all of the established brands price you out of the market. It is very anti-competitive for up-and-coming quality games. Roblox used to be THE platform for new game devs to cut their teeth on but now it’s just like the rest of them.


Yeah. I’ve been blocking ads for 4 years. Occasionally I’ll turn it off for just a minute to see how ads are like on the platform. Unimproved, boring, clickbaity, scams, etc.
User Ads should be removed.

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> be me
> be group owner, want to advertise game
> mfw this change happens

it’s very over /b/ros