Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Sorry for bumping this old post, but the fee is 10 robux, not 100 thankfully.


Clothing and the uploader themselves should get in moderation checks first before getting charged each upload, it is kinda butthurt to me. :pleading_face::pleading_face:

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Either that or refunds when things get deleted, other than that – I have no problem with having a 10 robux uploading fee.

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That would be the case if you are uploading more clothing than you make back on profit returns. I sell my clothing for 7 robux, 5 per sale after tax. If 2 people bought whatever shirt I have made, I would have already made back what I paid to upload. If you’re trying to mass upload clothing and nobody buys anything – you’re losing profit. Having a fee just forces you to really be more critical on what you’re actually uploading, and you can always test out your clothing by using Roblox Studio if you’re unsure of how it looks ingame.

edit: I would add that this does form a small paywall for entry designers because you have to invest out of pocket to get started before you can self sustain.