Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Seems like a backslide on the push to remove paywalls overall, but I see the point. I just don’t think it’s going to change the value proposition enough for asset thieves to affect their behavior, though.


Please consider raising the minimum price for clothing then. At 5 Robux users only get 60% of their Robux at the moment and users who own clothing groups have to price their clothing at this to stay competitive. With this change (unless fees don’t affect people with premium) it makes it harder for designers who are starting out or don’t make much from their clothing. If the minimum price for shirts & pants was raised to 7 this would significantly help out designers.


This is nice for non premium users, however it’s making premium less and less worth what’s being paid in my own mind, I mean almost every feature that was once locked to the paid membership is now free and ontop has some extra feature that requires a payment for something that has always been free to do. This just seems a bit unneeded in some areas, I suppose we’ll see how it works though.


I’m pretty confused, first taking off the limit, then creating groups, now clothing? Are we going to get any perks with premium aside from the robux? This could fight catalog spam but it won’t be widely accepted, I pay for premium for the reason of creating clothing and 30% taxes, And I know I’m not alone.


A robux fee for uploading clothing is not going to be accepted by new and veteran players. It’s been a staple since 2008 and seeing a paywall to upload clothing is a step in the wrong direction and would discourage developers from taking a stand at designing clothing.


This is a great step forward for a better marketplace, while the fee may be discouraging, I think it’s a fine price to pay to remove these lower-quality assets. The benefits are that there will be less of such assets making an individual’s asset be exposed more. It’s great to see Roblox moving away from the premium requirement.

With this change, I’d like to ask if anything is coming to the Toolbox for models? The other marketplaces require attention too.


What about existing clothing? On the one occasion I did visit the Catalog, it was mostly complete junk, so how do these changes address the huge amount of existing spam? Seems like a good idea but I am just curious


Make a group > buy a developer product from said group > have the person you want to pay join the group > do a group payout


I actually think it is a pretty good idea. Being able to sell clothes without Premium is an awesome update!


I have a conflicted opinion about this, say, premium membership costs $5,00 per month, most accounts that are compromised for botting (which might be the reason why this change is getting endorsed) could double by hindering Roblox Premium’s perks, as I consider the price would be set between 25-30 or otherwise it’d break certain havoc within this platform’s clothing community… Isn’t this unsafe?

I mean, some of them actually have said dedication just to ruin the market as in the late it gives them major profit, and for a price of 5-10 robux that each player is accomodated to spend unlike overpriced, low quality JPEG artifact stolen clothes that are shown in the front page, raising prices just to compensate the soon-to-be estimated toll to pay for uploading a single shirt or pants asset (As this never specified if it’d be an entire outfit, or just half of it) may cause an unnecessary issue.

This is however just my feedback regarding this upcoming update, and it is appreciated that this was announced beforehand so some of us can ready ourselves.


I enjoy this new update, but I have a few problems with it. For starters many new beginners won’t have a lot of robux to spare when it comes to just buying premium and making unlimited clothing, but I can see that would be more of a problem if they had the ability to make so many clothing. I think a captcha would help prevent bots if there hasn’t been one already.

My second problem with this update is with this update, you are basically making Roblox Premium more useless. By taking away one of the most useful features to premium, many people won’t even think about purchasing premium. You might need to add more benefits in order to avoid that.

Overall, I really like this update, and I hope to see it in action one day! :slight_smile:


This is a good way to combat the botting problem. Even a BETTER way to make it harder to be a clothing designer on the platform. Way to go Roblox! /s

A designer has to pay 100 R$ to make the shirt available for others, but risks not making any profit while doing so if the uploaded item flops. Being a designer on Roblox just got 100 R$ harder (per item you upload). That’s not even including the many designers who wish to upload a multitude of original items at once, but have a low amount of R$ and don’t wish to risk it.

I really hope Roblox takes another moment to think about this decision and find a better way to stop the botting. This ain’t it, chief.


I disagree, with this new fee there is less spam and more opportunity for new and old developers to get the impressions they deserve for their unique content. A breath of fresh air.


@givenothingback Will uploading still being free for premium users?


This is so cool, rather than limiting it to just a certain group (Premium), we now have a fee!

This is just going to make the clothing design development genre more popular, hats off to all clothing designers, and future clothing desighers!

:partying_face: :partying_face:


Less spam at the cost of US paying. I really hope the fee isn’t 100 robux because that would be very hard to profit with


I assume no… the whole purpose of this update is to “prevent botting” (this will definitely slow it down for now, but will not solve the issue at all since bots can just funnel Robux in to their account and still profit and still be very much alive). But since this is to “prevent botting”, they would not make it free for Premium users since someone could purchase Premium and use a bot on that account and get around this minor inconvenience to botters, huge inconvenience to new legitimate designers.


I think making a e-mail verification when uploading a clothing would be better and safer than paying a fee for upload it (snice some person that is very rich can still using a bot for spam uploads)


I for one very much appreciate the change, it’ll help prevent those who wish to reupload other people’s works without their permission.


This would not help either. The action of verifying an email can be automated via bot as well. In fact, some bots already do this.