Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Roblox, you do realized this won’t do anything but hurt the clothing community even more right? Because of old sales the bots will just use that Robux to spam more clothing, therefore it won’t help.
And most clothing designers don’t even make that much Robux unless they’re a Youtuber or something.
So this does nothing (In my Opinion).


This is OUTRAGEOUS! Don’t you realize you’re killing small creators this way? It’s already hard to make any profit from clothes, and now we’re even supposed to pay to sell our hard-worked designs? This won’t stop the problem, people who have botted already have thousands or millions of Robux, this won’t change anything. Please listen to us once… I’m a small creator myself, and I can’t afford to pay each time I need to upload a design. Please don’t make it harder on us.


Never have clothing again either.

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Instead of paying premium, which is like $7 for unlimited uploads, you now have to pay 100 robux for one item upload. That’s 200 robux for an outfit, It costs $5 for 400 robux, so you’re essentially paying $5 for four items of clothing to upload. It really isn’t a “tremendous update” at all.


At least Premium people should get it for free.


That wouldn’t make any sense, $5 for a shirt botter and earn a profit of like 30k+ isn’t good

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Well, then where does Premium go to? What’s the point of it for us?


You guys don’t realize that Roblox has done nothing but harm small clothing creators for years now and this is just the nail in the coffin. Small clothing creators make no profit for their company, only the big ones; which happens to be the only creators that wouldn’t even notice this fee. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Roblox shift towards locking clothing creation to certain developers only, just like they did with the UGC. This update would be a mistake, but it’d be very far from the first mistake that they’ve ever made. Don’t expect much hope for them to reverse this update, but at least we’re trying?


This is just one upcoming update. Can you find any previous updates that also harms small clothing creators.

If the fee isn’t all that high, then this update to clothing uploads should be alright.

You can ask the several thousands of clothing groups that get their groups locked for no reason, work stolen with no punishment, entire group stores being deleted for no reason, owners being terminated for “stealing clothing” despite being stolen from, and more. I don’t expect it to matter to you when you don’t have to experience any of these things


People say that botting will continue. I don’t see how that’s possible. Bots only run if its proftable, and it certainly won’t be after this. I foresee front-page method being more popular - that is, buying your clothes at a high price to rank it higher in the algorithm, and slowly gain profit over the following weeks sales. The catalog will be worse since botters will switch to this method and then artists won’t be able to rank their clothing higher in the search algorithm.


I know the only thing we can do is spread awareness I’m gonna try to get my message out and hopefully it can get likes so they can see. There are so many designers quitting their passion because of Roblox making so much boundaries and difficulties for us.

I’m honestly tired. Soon they will mess with the wrong people and can most likely get sued for something.


I agree, it’s a very sad update. For the past couple of months, I’ve been working on becoming a better designer. I started up my designing commission, and people started buying. I get tons of commissions weekly, but that’s soon gonna stop. People aren’t gonna wanna pay someone to design them a piece of clothing that they’re gonna have to spend 100 more Robux to upload.


I agree strongly, and I have been making the same point. This won’t solve anything.


Does this mean that Premium users will need to pay for clothing uploads? Or just non-premium? :robux_gold:

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I already did complained in the next replies.

Everyone will have to pay :(((((((((((((((((((((

That’s such a shame… Well, time to stop uploading clothes :slightly_frowning_face: :pensive:


I think this could work out well for people because it opens up to the entire community. Another good thing is that it can help prevent bots… I think that’s all?

: Make it, so premium doesn’t have to pay? You are taking away the benefit we have of being even able to upload.
: I think a 100 Robux might be a bit; maybe adjust it to 50 only because you’re trying to open this up to users who don’t have premium, but yet how do they get the Robux?

Once again, this is just my opinion…