Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

A lot of clothing bots already have premium (since you do need it still to upload clothing), so doing this wouldn’t slow down bots from stealing clothing, since the bots could still buy premium if Roblox decided to make this update and followed your suggestion. In other words, it defeats the entire purpose of Roblox adding a fee in the first place.

I do like that suggestion, but, under closer examination, it falls flat and wouldn’t do anything regarding the bots filling the catalog with the same pieces of clothing.

I do agree that the fee should be lowered. Even if the bots stopped copying clothing and the catalog was cleaned up, clothing designers would still struggle to get started due to the upload fee, since they would be competing against people who make similar clothing to them.

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The copiers will just be paid the robux from the big groups and continue copying on. This is acually helping the botter becasue they don’t have to use REAL money for making clothing…

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I can understand that, as well. If anything, I just think the fee should be lowered, but I think the fee should be lowered to ~50. I still think premium should benefit from this update; maybe even a fee decrease would be nice for a premium user.

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Even though this might increase short term profits for Roblox, it looks like you’re assuming that’s the (single or biggest) reason they are implementing this update even though you shouldn’t, even though I agree a company focusing on short term profits will bring some ugly heads.


Sounds to me like ROBLOX just wants an easy way to fix the copied clothing upload abuse. But as a result, it’s screwing the smaller clothing designers


Here’s my opinion on it: Now imagine a small creator makes 5 matching outfits. They would have to pay 1000r just to upload 5 outfits. They MUST sell it for 5 robux because other people will re-upload it for 5 robux if the original creator sells it for more than 5. Roblox also has a Market Fee of 30% per sale which means: In-order to get the money back you’ve used for uploading clothes about 260 people must buy your 5 outfits. Adding on you must pay your clothing designers, and you must make enough money to upload new clothes again.

5 Outfits = 1000r --(2 helped you to make 4 of them, and they charge 50r per clothing)
4 clothing from designer = 200r
The owner made -1200. He must make 2400r from the 5 outfits to upload 5 new outfits again.

2400 + 30% (30% Marketplace Fee) = 3.120
3.120 : 624

About 624 people must buy your outfits if you want to keep your group running without any problems. Now imagine how many small clothing groups will die even tho they were the best in my opinion-


Overall this is a change that is needed, it would be harder for bots to try to come in and spam clothing all over the catalog and thus has been ruining the experience for both players looking for clothing and clothing-designers trying to make them.

Of course, the fee itself is the downside of all of this for smaller creators will have more trouble in uploading their clothing for their groups or just for themselves cause how on earth are you gonna make that money back? Knowing already Roblox will only give you 70% of what you earned from the clothes you’ve uploaded on top of the fee you already had to pay… how am I suppose to make a profit?

I don’t entirely like the idea of making clothing similar to UGC either, for it just makes Roblox look more exclusive to develop on the site maybe have things like a person’s account needs to be this number of days old or even have a small test of how clothing is made for Roblox, just something that will heavily inconvenience us to make it harder for bots to get in, but also not damage our profits.

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I think you might like a reply I made on another post:


Only Non-Premium members will have to pay Robux to upload clothing.

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That’s good, thanks for informing me!

Says who? By the way, making it free for Premium users will make it so then the only change is that us people who can’t have premium have to pay Robux. In a way, it does makes sense since your can’t make clothing with premium (currently) and it would keep it premium benift, but then it “won’t do anything” for the admins who want to stop copied clothing by bots but think that putting a fee on something will stop bots, but really won’t.

The main reason of this change is to stop bots, so I think this is false unless the admins used there brains and thought up a real way of fixing this.


I agree with you. In no way is this going to stop botting what-so-ever, if bots have enough money to pay for premium then they will be able to pay for robux too. Even if ROBLOX Moderation does ban “all” the bots, it still won’t stop botting. Which, we all know the Moderation won’t ban “all” the bots so there’s no point to this update other than non-premium members being able to design. They’re slowly taking away premium benefits and as a person who pays for premium monthly, I might as well stop buying it if benefits are being taken away from it.


It makes more sense for premium users not have to pay to upload clothing on Roblox. There’s still a benefit to the subscription and is only fair for non-premium users to have to pay a fee to upload clothing.


Technically speaking, Roblox does plan to move onto 3D clothing with morphing capabilities, however we could also say that an UGC like system would greatly help with this situation, if divided from the generic catalog of course.

As a small developer, I am completely against this new update. How will small developers like me get paid for small tasks? Most people that I work with are not big groups do not have group funds prefer to buy a t-shirt. You’re telling me I need to spend 100 robux that is part of what I will get paid, to have 30 percent of the income taken as well? Premium was another struggle to have. There are basically no more premium benefits unless you are big into trading. At this point you should remove the whole premium feature. If this is into place, I will most likely cancel my subscription. 100 robux is absurd, even for those small clothing groups who barely make any.


sorry to say this. tix was removed because it broke the economy.

I’ve recently been learning how to design clothing, and on my first attempts, I’ve made several errors which meant I had to reupload quite a few times. With this, I would have to pay a fee each time to upload shooting the chances of profit. This is going to stop new designers from starting up.


Don’t worry! You can test your shirts and pants in the roblox studio.
You have to upload the shirt/pants template decal, and then run the game and change your character pants or shirt id to the decal.

Ok so I started designing beginning of this year. Luckily I have a job and I don’t mass upload anyway. Given the price I’d probably be spending less than 20 bucks on uploading a month, less than 10 unless I go crazy. But what about everyone who isn’t as fortunate as myself. Like the creative kids who aren’t necessarily into coding, or animating, or sound design, whatever avenues in game dev besides clothing design. Even with premium that’s just 4 clothes worth of robux I believe.

I think this is a great update but this also make having a clothing group a literal business in the sense you need to make a return on the investment. If I have to pay 100 robux to upload, I can’t justify selling the clothing piece at 5 robux because I can’t guarantee 20 people are going to buy one piece.

And you have to think to. People like UGC. But people also like Clothes. Clothes Buying might just go down in favor for UGC. Are people really willing to pay 10-15 robux so the creator can easily make a return. I don’t think so. Even if every designer agrees to raise the average price from 5 to 10. People might still just buy less clothes. Which in theory would lead to less uploads because the lack of a return at least for small designers.

I really like this update. It solves a lot in the long term but hurts smaller designers a lot. Hurts the designing market a bit.

Maybe I’m over thinking it but only time will tell.

I essentially have to take the losses in hopes I become big enough like the bigger designers where they can guarantee a return on investment.

I like the update though. It seems like a small price to pay to cut down on the problematic spam and stealing. I welcome the update. But I guess if you want to be a designer, better make sure you’re stuff is good and can sell. Might just power imagination and make more competition. People are more picky with pricier items.

I’ll continue designing because I can fund this and I don’t even design for money, it’s more of a hobby than a business. But best of the luck to the people who want to seriously design and make a little profit from it. You need to be able to fund not only ads but the uploads as well. Darn. Guess gotta add donation clothes. Seems like a good start.

Damn I got premium just to make clothes, what else does premium give xD I forgot loool. Now it’s like why do I have it now.


I’ve never had problems with thieves probably because I’m small and irrelevant. But if thieves can afford 5 bucks for premium a month. I don’t think 100 robux will stop them. I assume most of these thieves are adults with ample enough pocket change to waste on whatever, kinda like me. There will always be popping items. $1 and a few cents to steal and potentially most likely make more than a dollar. There will always be a constant return on the investment simply because it’s a popping item. So therefore the only way for the problem to solve itself out now is simply there be so many thieves replicating all the popular items it makes it harder to make an actual profit and I mean a continual profit. They may not make half a mil robux or evem 100k on one shirt, but they might make 500. And if they see they are always making at least 500 bucks. Really a 400 profit. That adds up. So the amount of thieves are the only thing that’ll disrupt the system because it lowers the chance of actually making a worth it return to that individual everytime they re upload.

Someone had a great idea I read. The only real solution would be having UGC but for clothing. And honestly I wouldn’t mind that.

I think there are easier solutions that Roblox is too lazy to to do so I won’t name any other suggestions. But this problem is so easy to fix, I’d take the time and fix it myself if you let me.

As easy “This username already exists.” Also to stop the stupid reuploads from creators because you can mess up. WHY CAMT I JUST EDIT THE CLOTHING AND SWAP OUT THE FILE AMD REDO THE LITTLE APPROVAL THING. OR BETTER YET LET US DELETE THE ASSETS PLEASE.