Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Wow, thanks. We’re so glad to be paying for roblox’s moderation mistakes. You’ve just driven a huge chunk of designing users off your platform, great job. You’ve really really screwed us.


This is very true. The bots can and will always find someone to pass this. Now I think will there still be a bot problem. Yes. But I believe that it will be reduced significantly.


This new change is pretty mind-boggling, considering the fact that ROBLOX already takes such an enormous portion of our sales to begin with. It’s such a shame that smaller creators cannot express their creativity and upload their designs because not everyone has R$50 to spare. Regardless of that, most groups are probably going to raise their prices on clothing just to compensate for the loss of the uploading fee. Stop making these changes without engaging with the community first. Start listening to the community because all that’s happening now is just ruining the experience with ROBLOX. Stop taking the short cut and just adding a fee to upload. Actually look into the situation and solve it and now taking the lazy shortcut way out, it’s getting tiring.


I’m honestly disappointed that this update even rolled out after all the feedback of how badly this would affect the designer community. 50 R$ to upload + 50 R$ to put on sale is ridiculous… That’s 200 R$ per outfit (shirts + pants). All this leads to is a huge chunk of designers leaving! If this was the plan to get rid of copiers, then it failed already. :woman_shrugging:


I just don’t see how this is supposed to help us designers. If it aims to minimize clothing theft, it wouldn’t really be effective knowing that most clothing copiers are already well-established and not affected by the fee at all. There’s no use. The 50 robux fee won’t guarantee us our money back. Not everyone makes a lot of sales. Kinda disappointing how the update is still getting pushed through despite how many people advised against it. So much for powering imagination…


Exactly because as group owners we’re most likely going to have to cover the cost and paying our designers for making the piece, for uploading the piece, and for putting the piece on sale. It’s a waste of time and money and in short, it’s just a poor move and a lazy one too. You’d think a company like this making millions even billions could hire a software engineer to add a fix to this instead of taking the easy way out just like how they’ve done with everything else. Ever since ROBLOX become a corporation its gone downhill.


this update is bad, roblox just doesn’t like their community. wtf tho? why? i’d rather have a ugc competition for clothing and have to apply than to pay and then lose robux cause i’m not a big designer


Let’s brainstorm all of the things roblox charges for:

  • Badges
  • Audio
  • Roblox Premium
  • Now clothing

No user on the platform makes their living off of selling audio. No user on this platform makes their living off of selling badges. No user on this platform makes their money off of selling Roblox Premium.

Clothing designers make their living by designing clothing on this platform. Clothing they can now not pay to afford to even get on the platform in the first place. This would be a great solution if the clothing market was not already incredibly messed up, charging no more than R$5 per asset. But in the past, mistakes were made and now we’re all as a platform paying for them. Until clothing designers can reasonably price their assets, this is devastating.

So what do I recommend?
Postpone this change until changes to the marketplace that allow for designers to reasonably price their clothing are released. There is no way this is the only thing roblox is doing to prevent duplicates. Release these other economy fixing things first, or at least be transparent about how this will effect smaller clothing designers.


High fees to reduce bots? This doesn’t help at all. Come on, I know you guys can do better.

You guys could’ve asked the community at least. Not even small clothing designers will be affected, but groups that sell their uniforms will ALSO be affected.

I just hope Roblox can actually choose the right way, we still can fix these problems.


Nope. No thanks. I refuse to do this, especially when I need to test to see whether things look good or not before re-uploading. I will not pay fees every single time. Horrible decision.


In my opinion this is a good way to prevent a single bot from spamming like 100 clothes or so but it also costs legitimate hard working designers who don’t deserve the fee so it’s a double edge sword really.


You can test clothing in studio before uploading it or paying at all. Or you’re supposed to be able to soon, i don’t know if the API has been implemented yet.


how? The bots have more robux to start off with, in fact I believe it will make botting even worse.


It’s actually more than a double edge sword. This actually hurts the clothing designers more than the bots.

There must be another way to prevent botting, but a high fee with this will just ruin clothing designers and groups.


It cuts into their business model, in the long term they cannot sustain the uploading due to the high costs and low returns. They cannot simply just reupload entire libraries of clothing anymore.


if people can bot clothing they can bot robux


50R$ is hardly a high fee, and I’m personally surprised by how low it is - far too low to prevent a tidal wave of botting and stolen clothing. Personally, I think 100R$ would’ve been a far better compromise, having it MAYBE placed at 50R$ for Premium users.


You actually think that 50R$ is low?

It may seem low, but it’s actually 100R$ for a whole set, and even more to upload it and put it on sale. And it’s also highly difficult to recover all those robux. 50R$ may actually be a “low price”. However if you take it out of the box, it’s actually WAY more than that.


I’m disappointed with this upcoming change. Many designers including myself looked forward to having Premium because it came with the benefit of being able to upload clothing. With this new change that the Roblox team is presenting, it will only destroy the clothing community. Many designers who own clothing groups depend on Premium in order for their group to prosper. Taking this privilege away will not only make it harder for designers to upload clothing, but it will also make earning Robux difficult. Uploading clothes with a fee will barely help designers make profit. Instead, it’ll drag our profits down. Designers can only make so little, 50 robux is a lot to ask for. Most of the clothing on the market is sold for 5 robux, having 50 robux will drastically and most definitely take away any profit designers earn. Implementing this new feature will not prevent bots from reuploading clothing. There are many programs which can navigate people’s templates easily. Furthermore, there are already many clothes on the catalog that are duplicates, and I doubt they’ll be taken away with this feature. The clothing catalog cannot be fixed unless the Roblox team takes each single duplicate down which is impossible. I urge the Roblox team to revoke the idea of having a fee to upload any clothes. The design community will be destroyed within weeks time if the benefit of uploading clothes with Premium isn’t kept. As designers, we come on Roblox with different programs in order to create items such as pants and shirts for others. It’s the one thing that bonds the community together. In order to show our passion and creativity, it all starts with being able to upload clothing in the most beneficial way possible which is using Premium.


I’ve thought of a few different approaches to eradicating clothing botting, that also benefit legitimate clothing artists. I urge developers/clothing artists/and Roblox staff alike to read the problem and my solutions here:

A pay barrier isn’t the best solution to fix this issue of botting.