Upcoming Changes to Avatar Catalog Upload Requirements

Agreed completely, it is really disappointing that this has been implemented even if it is 50% less than we had originally anticipated. People now have to pay to showcase their creativity, whilst other developers don’t.


So is Roblox considering any sort of exception for lifetime premium users? As I explained in a post above, I feel that these changes are unfair towards lifetime users that already paid for unlimited clothing uploading.


I think someone cleared it up already but the Premium members have to pay a fee as well for clothing.


Where was this said? -----------------


Someone mentioned this in the comments, I think you can scroll up to find it.


not a fan but can ya at least make it so its per upload to prevent most users from uploading to prevent buying clothing for the minimal price?


So what I am seeing from this update is that if smaller creators want to get into selling clothing, they have to get some recognition first? So people with no recognition will start off by losing robux and have a harder time to get started than earlier developers? Selling clothing is off my checklist now.


In my opinion, this update really limits the upgrades premium users have. All premium users will get now is extra robux?? Also this is extremely unfair to small designers who hardly make any sales which is limiting UGC on roblox, sadly and making it easier for only the rich to profit. I see the hours it takes these small designers to create these beautiful pieces of clothing, and now it can firstly easily be stolen as anyone can upload them if they have 50 robux (50 pence) and they will most likely not make any sustainable profit for them to continue making and selling items. Please consider your small designers etc. Additionally, this update will simply drag down your personal profit as you would get more out of 30% off shirt sales than charging us 50 robux as we simply cant afford it as small designers.


Can’t y’all work on making templates private instead of doing all this? This is so unnecessary and will ruin half of the designing industry. Not everyone can afford having 100 robux every time they want to upload something and put it onsale. Privating the templates will block anyone from stealing, it can allow the creator only to see it. Please rethink before you take action, our industry relies on you.


Agreed, it’s sad that it’s costing such a high fee for something like this. R$50 is too much for small clothing developers, I would think. R$25 or even R$15 is better. This is devistating for small creators.


This is just going to drive clothing prices up and up. I don’t like this change.

Also @tornadus11 is right. Updates related to premium just keep stripping the features that people paid for. Lifetime subscriptions costed hundreds of dollars at the time. It is unfair to turn their money to waste.


As a smaller clothing designer / group owner I’d just like to put this in perspective; I average around 5-30 sales per shirt if I’m lucky. I’d need 60 sales to even get my robux back. This change is destroying our smaller designers like myself who barley make anything and this change won’t allow us to upload once we run out of funding. :unamused:


It’s official, i will no longer be creating for Roblox to the extent that I was. It’s a shame clothing creation was a hobby that gave new life to me in a community I felt lost in.

I seriously hope further updates come out very quickly to help stop other issues such as the catalog and botting issues. Because this update has and will do nothing positive to the community.


This is by far the worse update ROBLOX has done. Period. :neutral_face:

This is not a good solution to clothing copiers, in fact this ruins communities by adding this fee. I have clothing designing partners who barely make 100 R$ back on their items, but make clothing out of passion.

This ruins the platform ROBLOX came to be, whatever happened to powering imagination? Are you powering the imagination by adding a paywall?

I have not put in 6 years worth of designing and experience just to be cheated by ROBLOX, neglecting designers have gone far enough. This is almost sickening. Surely there’s a better way.


I am very against this change. This will not help botting at all, especially since the Premium requirement is being removed. This is definitely a step in the wrong direction if fighting bots is your end goal. Only legitimate users will be punished as a result of this change. Bots can simply be funded as they would make profit back within days. I hope you can listen to your users before you make such a silly change to every single user.


As a clothing designer, It’d take roughly 17 sales with the price to even the fee out. Not everyone can pull those numbers if they are a smaller designers as their hard work barely ever gets noticed, which is terrifying.
It doesn’t help that the main problem is the front paging botting that won’t need to pay the price since they’re going to just change the price of what they’ve already copied from 90 to 60,000 over and over again.


I think that this update will be beneficial to reducing botted clothes. The only thing is that it worries me to see some of the smaller clothing groups having to pay 100 Robux to upload an outfit and yet listing the two for 5 Robux each only producing 10 Robux in total. This makes me feel like only the bigger more well-known groups will be able to succeed while smaller groups with little to no funds won’t be able to progress.


disagree. the bots will just use the clothes they’ve already copied and chance the prices when they need to launch it to the front page again


This is very disappointing. I expected better, you’re losing amazing designers. This makes you look bad and how would designers feel after your mod team deletes the shirt after they paid. This is terrible and you will be attacked by people and this makes Roblox look greedy for money. There are a lot of solutions but you chose the wrong path.


I own a 2k member clothing group that generates an average amount of revenue.We hire a TON of designers to design clothes every day. This is the worst update I have witnessed in my 6 years playing this game. With this update, only large clothing groups will be able to survive. Whatever happened to “Powering Imagination”? Disappointed :neutral_face: