Upcoming Changes To The Game Sorts & Submit New Sort Ideas!

Add a ‘Localised Sort’.

If your language is set to something other then English, it’ll give you games which are localised in your primary language.

This will push for more developers to localise their games in other languages.


The only thing I wish is that they do something about botted games so more developers can get the chance to get to the top while not being tempted to use bots because other people are using bots and he/she can’t get to the top. And maybe you can add different sections for cartoony/low poly games to semi realistic and realistic games or a Sort by Age category.

Does anyone know what statistic the “Players Love” sort uses? My game is currently on it and I’m not sure what exactly they’re using to base that off of.


Replayability or Retention could be that.
Top Rated uses likes/ratings

Paid Acces and Free to Play Categories.

1 Like

I think there is enough interest in this topic that I have added a feature request for Roblox to provide a fair way to get new games featured:


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Hey developers,

This is just a notice that we will be conducting some more testing of our game sorts and experimenting with new ideas in the coming weeks to see what works best for our developers. We don’t anticipate any specific tests lasting for too long and any long-term changes will be announced separately.

In addition, please feel free to continue suggesting ideas for the game sorts as outlined in the original post!

Developer Relations


One thing I’d like to see is a Try Something New sort, which shows games that I don’t typically play - kinda like anti-personalised. I want to try new stuff, even if most of it’s low quality.

A kinda decent example was when the website was malfunctioning and the front page just had a bunch of random obscure games. I’d want that! I currently can’t find anything new at all since all the front page games are all pretty homogenous; a sort that showcases games from all across the board like a Try Something New sort would really help to break up the monotony.


Personally, the old game sort style was much better since you wouldn’t need to scroll down a full page past games you are most likely uninterested in just to get to a genre you wanted.


Roblox have no intention of going back to the old sort - this was already discussed on multiple occasions. If you’re interested, a quick search should surface most of those discussions :slightly_smiling_face:

It’s more productive to address the problems you currently have with the new sort, rather than throw the whole thing away and regress to an earlier version.


Appreciate this opportunity, I believe alongside many other developers that we should be seeing a releveling of the game system not to favour the top developers; A more level playing field you may say*. Alongside this, seeing a more comprehensible game choice pages overall, visit Discover - Roblox and you’ll immediately see what I mean.

*a16z understands where Roblox’s value comes from — does Roblox? | by Andrew Bereza | Medium


Rising not the apocalypse!

  • New games that are getting a lot of traction recently.

New genres/use genres tab again

  • stuff like sandbox genre, games where you can build and play.

Games of the week

  • players vote on a game they like the most on a poll and they stay on the genre for a week


  • coefficients

A dedicated VR category, I have a vive, and i want to be able to find games that support VR.


Could the Players love sort be changed to depend on the recent average like ratio instead of whatever it is right now? It seems pretty… random, to say the least. I’m not sure what even is special about it because, right now, you could just use the Top Rated sort if it’s for players love. Maybe changing the name would help clearing the confusion, too.
Something like “Recent Hits” would probably make more sense than “Players Love”.
I have seen games with 50~% like ratio appear on it before, which judged by the like ratio alone, players clearly don’t love that much. But that comes from the confusing sort name.


Even though the old one was better since you wouldn’t need to scroll down a full page of past games, but I hope in the future there will be some new genres like Story.

Somewhere around I saw a suggestion for being able to give your game 3 major tags which describes the theme/genre!

I think this is a really great idea, that way people can search for game specific tags and find new/exciting games that may share relevant tags. Instead of just searching for “simulation” tagged games, maybe people can search for simulation style games with a food, nature, or party themes, for example.

I’d love a way to search for styles of games that are directly relevant to what you are looking for! I feel that tags would really help users search for games that they are interested in, and help find new games they might not play but also end up enjoying.


I recommend that you try fixing Game Discovery.

No offense, but it actually feels slightly broken, and the “search by genre” thing had been gone for a long time. Sure, some people didn’t (and probably still don’t) care about game genres, but back then you could instantly find a new game to play (and maybe it will be great) just by searching games with a specific genre! I still set genres on my games to this day because I feel that this is important for people to discover games!

Another few downsides are that; even searching for games is broken. Sometimes you’d want to search for a popular game, but then in the search page, the entire page is filled with copies (even unrelated games) and you’d never get to find the original one you are looking for, or the search page just doesn’t have the mood to search for you.

Many front-page games besides the Popular section are repeated forever and on as well. I remember an Up-and-Coming section was added in the games page back a while ago, but almost many of those games were not “up-and-coming” as described in the category, and just repeated instead of actually helping small developers (who probably don’t have the money to promote their games or don’t get any visits out of their promotions/ads).

Also, as said by @MetatableIndex,

The Players Love sort seems pretty… random, to say the least. I’m not sure what even is special about it because, right now, you could just use the Top Rated sort if it’s for players love.

Something like ‘Recent Hits’ would probably make more sense than ‘Players Love’.

Do NOT take my thoughts the wrong way! I am just pointing out one of the many problems with Game Discovery. I might be bad at providing constructive criticism, but I don’t need another post flagged again.
Now on to the solutions (?)

  1. Add the genre sort back. I feel that it can help players’ games get discovered, because, you know, somebody definitely could be interested in Western, Town & City, Horror games and such.

  2. Sort all of the categories in the Games page properly (e.g. clear up the confusion with some sections, and actually sort small games that have a good like/dislike ratio and favorites, and such for “Up-and-Coming”.)

  3. Fix up searching a bit more, I guess? I can’t really explain properly. Still need to get better at criticism.

Again, do not take my thoughts the wrong way, I am trying my very best to suggest constructive criticism (though some of it is a bit unconstructive, still not good at criticizing these days.)


All of the sorts seem completely random. I don’t mean to seem overly-cynical but the current sorts are absolutely useless to me, and I think a lot of players as well. None of the sorts except for ones like Obby or Tycoon live up to their name; Players Love is just a repeat of already popular games, so is Featured, Recommended, Top Earning, Most Engaging, etc etc.

But all of that has already been said. I’d like to propose a sort based on a recent influx of players and like ratio combined, sort of like a Rising sort. I don’t think we need any more genre based sorts like Roleplay, Obby, Tycoon, Simulator etc, because in all honesty those also don’t seem to help newer games get noticed. It’s all so dysfunctional right now.