Upcoming Changes To The Game Sorts & Submit New Sort Ideas!

I agree, it would also be cool to have the ability to add multiple genres.


How about an “Early Access” and “Paid Access” category?

Early Access would be more beneficial to new and upcoming games.
Maybe you’ll have to do a survey to enter the program.

Paid Access is self explanatory.


You may want to add a ‘Recently Updated’ tab with all of the recently updated major games. This way users will know when their favourite games have had a cool update, especially those that aren’t able to keep updated with social media or haven’t followed that game yet.


How about having a “Featured Developers” section in which Roblox features one or more games from a featured developer, or group of developers.

  • The developer can choose which of their games they would like to feature.
  • Roblox can list either just a single developer at a time, or a group of developers.
  • Roblox can update this list every few days, or weekly, thus making it a good way to showcase a lot of developers.
  • Roblox would probably have to limit how many times a developer can be featured. For example, at most once per every 2 months.

This would greatly benefit developers, and would have many of the same benefits of the old featured sort system. And since it requires no curation from Roblox, it is a very cost effective, low labor way of showcasing various developers and new games.


Horror Genre would be great to have!

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Showcases are a staple of Roblox. Often featured on the blog and used to demo new technologies. I constantly go back to these types of games to learn from and discover new details I would have never thought to add to my own games!

Also tags (allow developers to categorize their own games and players to find their own categories), but this is less linear and could honestly be its own entire subsystem.


Recently updated as a sort instead of making events page for it


what about if your account is 13+ there would be a 13+ sort because roblox is trying to expand its audience

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When will 200 player games be available for everyone?

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When the genre system is limited, Or badly done like Roblox had it, then yeah it doesn’t work…
But making it more intelligently (like what sort of game it is, then also separately, what kind of theme it has) would be great.
Adding a tags system would be great too!

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Even though the current category sort is okay, I feel the genre filter would be a better idea.

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As long as it is a quality game, I am of the belief that every developer deserves to have their new game featured on the front page for a short while.

I propose a “ticket” system that offers developers a few tickets a year. Developers can then “cash in” a ticket in order to get their game on the front page in a featured slot for a week.

  • This gives every developer a chance to get their game on the front page.
  • With a limited number of tickets, developers need to choose wisely when to use their ticket.
  • Maybe even charge for the tickets in order to keep away non-serious developers.
  • Since it involves no curation or staff labor hours, it is very cost effective for Roblox.

That would make it even harder for f2p devs from gaining traction.


We need sorting by genre back, please. It’s too hard to find games related to the thing you want in this endless clutter mess.


I totally agree! It’s just so annoying to sort through weird roleplay games, simulators, and mass-produced tycoons to try and find some Town and City game.


Same, except for me it’s adventure games.


I’m happy to see these new game sorts! I’m not against using algorithms on the games page, it can be a good thing actually. But, I just don’t see how an algorithm can determine some of these sorts accurately and fairly. Some sorts are obvious, like “Players Love” and “Most Engaging,” which can easily be determined by game stats and metrics. But other sorts like “Roleplay” or “Simulator” seem like they’d be hard to find with an algorithm. You really need to know the gameplay and nature of the game to categorize that. It seems most games in these “gameplay” sorts have that specific word in the title of the game, but this is sometimes misleading and can leave games out who don’t just stick the word “simulator” in the title as click bait.

This is turning into a feature request, but maybe we can put tags on our games to categorize the gameplay and genre, then sort games based on those tags. Players could also search by tags. It can be more useful than the old genre feature. (However there probably will still be game devs who abuse the tags.)


Another idea is to have the Live Ops games displayed in a more visible place. Currently, those games are not in a very visible location, and I wonder how many players even know about them.


I always thought live ops and featured should have larger thumbnails and be placed at the top of the sorts. Below is a dream design concept that I think would work well for the Roblox games page.


I agree it would be good to have something similar, but the information density on that page is terrible. Having a position at/near the top of the page is enough methinks.