[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

As I said in the previous post

This update is a disaster for many games, developers and players. Then it may be that roblox is not the choice (it will be good if he gives more details on this subject because for the moment we don’t know much)

For me it must first do some things before doing this update:

1 [This proposal is no longer valid (How do you cross out the text?)] Refund ALL music gamepass! We paid for a feature (which will be removed) so Roblox must reimburse the people who bought the music pass (in Robux of course).We paid, it’s normal to be reimbursed!!!
EDIT: Some developers updated their games to compensate people who paid music gamepass. But there are still plenty of games that have not been updated (or will no longer be updated).
EDIT 2: I agree with my proposal n°3 the audio library must be updated quickly

2 Improve the audio moderation system! If an audio does not pass moderation, do not ban anyone who tries to upload the audio because we all make mistakes. Also it is useless to create a useless asset that will be named “Removed for copyright” or “[Content Deleted”], just put a message that says that the audio cannot be imported.

3 Improve audio library interface (Well mainly for Roblox audios). It would be time to have filters like, the duration of the audio, the type of audio (Music, SFX…), from whom the audio comes (By APM or other?), the type of music ( Rock, Pop Electro…) and others if possible. You tell the developer to use your music so update the audio library so we can better find the audio we’re looking for (I think roblox audio isn’t 100% bad… Finally, I hope…).
EDIT: The audio library MUST be updated ASAP!!! Since we will be forced to use your audio (especially for music gamepass) you must provide us with an update to the interface of the audio library AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Here is a proposal. Afterwards, if you don’t agree, don’t hesitate to offer your suggestions or to reply to this message, but please remain respectful. Thank you for reading this message.

Ah also I used Google Translate to write this message, I apologize in advance if there are errors.


Refunding all music/radio gamepasses in games is silly, due to the fact that people paid for the access of a feature that allows them to play any Sound Id they want, which is not limited to Roblox Audios. The product still works, your options of music ids to play are just not as large. So it’s not refund worthy.

I do however agree with the filtration system for Audios, it’s dumb how they removed almost the whole filter, which is not available on the website either now, only in Studio as a filter for Lengths and not “Relevant/Recent/Popular”.
The worst is how even the filter in Studio somehow screws up the results when you go too far down for more accurate search of specific audio lengths.


The problem is that on some games we block the music of roblox so there is only that of Monstercar (which is really very little…) I will update my post.

Oh and for music gamepass i have say : “The audio library MUST be updated ASAP !!! Since we will be forced to use your audio (especially for music gamepass) you must provide us with an update to the interface of the audio library AS SOON AS POSSIBLE

Thank you for you reply

this is such a dumb update. never though roblox would do things like this. this is really dumb. #dumbupdatesfor ever


An upload limit of 10 audios per month? That is outrageous. I know that we can increase it to 100, but even 100/month is probably not enough for people that work with sound effects for games. I suggest increasing this limit, specially for people that have not verified with ID. This rate change is just a roadblock in development.


So this is the final day before Roblox is ruined forever. I can’t believe they’re seriously going through with this. Guess I can say goodbye to the 60 songs I didn’t replace in my game…


rest in peace, my hearing ability!


roblox should’ve lost the lawsuit and lost some money tbh


R.I.P Club Games.
R.I.P Vibe Games.
R.I.P Boombox Games.
R.I.P every audio that’s not by roblox that is over 6 seconds.

this update actually sucks i use to love listening to tunes on roblox and vibe with friends on games with them but ig i can’t anymore

can’t lie but alot of people might quit because of this update.

and don’t forget alot of people will hate roblox because of it.


Well… This was Unexpected.
Hearing that, Roblox Response Was… Decent.

Hearing Most SFX Won’t be Wiped From Existence is a Huge Relief.
STILL. Roblox isn’t being Clear about their Reasoning behide this.
Also, The Limit is Way too low still.
(And Hello someonedie, huge fan!)

I think this update will not be as devastating now that sound effects will also stay. Usually music is in a separate script, so only that will break. I’m also very happy that Roblox is releasing more SFX because it was really hard to find SFX before, and with the audio upload limit it will be nice to have sound effects already on the platform. This update has gone from being horrible to pretty good.

Yall acting like this update is gonna murder audio forever, it’s not. Only until they can figure out a more efficient method of keeping lawyers happy and not entirely pissing developers off although the sound upload limit is quite stupid. I think the minimum should be 500 at the lowest.


I don’t think I got an answer yet, but how will audio work with collaborative work? and what will happen to the people who bought the radio gamepasses?

You can give group access to audio I think, and the developer will have to update their radio game passes to accommodate the new audio.

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Let’s make a script based on almost everyone’s opinion on this situation.

local AllAudiosArePrivate = false
local MostDevelopersAreFilledWithRage = false
if AllAudiosArePrivate == true then
    MostDevelopersAreFilledWithRage = true

  repeat MostDevelopersAreFilledWithRage until
     AllAudiosArePrivate = false

Tbh if you think about this update was long coming and I don’t think it’s that bad apart from losing all audios from my creations but at least now the audios won’t be copyrighted. We also have monstercat for music which is pretty nice. But this update sucks and doesn’t at the same time. Also I appreciate that roblox staff are having to go through every audio it’s about time.
Also no more music with bad stuff in it slipping through.



I really hope that this is only a temporary solution and will eventually be undone in some form after they do another copyright sweep and improve their audio screening / moderation.


Other assets like models, meshes, etc… will be affected by this aswell.
I’m curious, if a model uses meshes not by their owner, would it not load? If so, then that’s not good. Anyone know anything about this?

This update is the equivalent of lopping off the entire arm when you bruise your finger, and the people who applaud ROBLOX for softening the blow are basically happy about them atleast letting us keep the elbow.

Will the team make any effort to preserve legacy audio so as to not further destroy old, outdated, classic games? This update basically does not do anything besides allow the company to legally safeguard themselves from takedowns and lawsuits, at the expense of almost a decade of a user-generated audio library being wiped, which stunts small devs from being able to siphor through quality audio.

Let’s face it, the collection available to us is subpar and borders to spam. When I try and look for “Thunder”, I’m greeted with 40 different iterations of rock songs with the name “Thunder” in them, but cannot find an actual recording of a thunderstrike, unless I, suprise suprise… look for user generated audio!!!

These shortcomings need to stop, they are only stunting workflow and provide virtually nothing in any sort of fashion.