[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

Only a view more hours before audio get privated, this decision is set in stone. Tbh most Roblox users won’t even notice

a Goodbye to all games using boombox and party games

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Why would you block the music of Roblox? What if somebody’s favorite song was uploaded by Roblox(its a stretch, but possible). I run across random ppl playing Prima Bossa Nova sometimes.

For example on theme park tycoon 2 we cannot use the music uploaded by roblox. After the beginning of roblox music there was a limit of 200 audio per game I believe. (I don’t know if this limit is still relevant)


Ok thanks for clarifying, on my account which is the owner of the group the game is published to (so it does have edit access), I added the permissions and it says it worked but on the plugin in studio it still has the red X next to the audio. Not sure if thats normal

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Hmm, I’ve never heard of this. I don’t get it, but I’ll take your word for it. I thought Roblox uploaded audio was free to use for everyone.

I would love to see this method on models and meshes!

Let’s fight against asset and place theft, but without harming developers, please!

Doubtful about this. At least a good few people will realise, such as Coast’s cafe players (uses ugc audio), boombox gamepass (mm2), damn even my sister has an Arsenal emote which uses the audio id man, everyone will realise within a few days.

Are you in your right mind? This would kill off millions of places irretrievably and break their intended functionality. Further to this - offsale models were never usable anyway.


I’m sure other type of assets will do fine with a change like this (at least), they got scolded off for music in particular.

For example, I doubt they will set already public meshes to private.

And well, models? Who cares about models honestly, you can easily steal anyone’s model and there is nothing you can do about it.

Here’s the problem “you can easily steal anyone’s model and there is nothing you can do about it”. They should do something to counteract that or just with the meshes.

But they can be stolen through the published place

I’d rather have my creations safe and republish them (even if it weighs on me), than to put effort into creating meshes or models that are then stolen and made as “theirs”.

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They did lose the lawsuit, if they had won the lawsuit, none of this would be happening.

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They had the power to defend themselves, they just barely did anything to do so.


Honestly, this is gonna be pretty sad once this update rolls out. Even official roblox event places, like Egg Hunt 2017, will end up getting silenced by roblox because the music tracks were uploaded on a separate account.
Another thing I’m seriously concerned about is what will happen to already public and onsale audios. Afaik, Roblox hasn’t provided any information on the ultimate fate of these audios, and whether or not they’ll automatically be switched back to public once the initial privating phase has concluded and public permissions have been enabled. If Roblox just turns them all to private and keeps it that way, I won’t even be mad, just massively disappointed


Wait until the 22nd and try the game out. The change hasn’t rolled out yet so permissions probably aren’t accounted for by the plugin.


Yeah, thats what I was thinking, thanks!

I just want to see what will happen. The anticipation is huge

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maybe you, but the majority of us don’t want this stupid update, and the updates that will follow it.


It makes sense that if an audio does not have a Copyright claim, the audio is unprivate

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