[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

I think this update could’ve been worked out a bit better, as it seems like it was rushed given that we were only given not even two weeks to do much about it.

I don’t necessarily agree with the “privating all audios in the Toolbox that aren’t made by ROBLOX” decision, as pretty much all of them were made accessible for a reason; to be used by other people.

Perhaps it’s possible for people to just enable it again to be public in the future, but what about the audio made by people that are no longer active/terminated? I’m sure there are quite a few audios that are just lost to time now due to that.

I get that the lawsuit that was thrown at ROBLOX probably made this entire thing happen in the first place, but I don’t see why the entire catalog had to suffer because of this? Sure, copyrighted audio and stuff that’s not meant to be used is understandable. But the audio that isn’t harmful at all and intended to be used by other people shouldn’t of been affected.

I wish we had more discussion on this matter from the other side as this is one of if not the most impactful update ROBLOX has pushed ever. I’d even bump this up from the TIX update that happened quite a few years ago, though the reasoning for that removal was more understandable.

Like, what about the audio that we’ve taken in our inventory or audio from uncopylocked places? Despite having them I am no longer able to play them on the website, which doesn’t make sense considering I technically have the right to use them if they were on-sale at one point up until now.

It would be nice to have more clarity regarding these types of questions.


My music script is broken despite the music working perfectly fine in studio. It plays for like a second of each song in my script before cycling to the next one. These are songs I uploaded myself on the platform. Is this that glitch they were talking about? Please fix this issue.

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At which point does ROBLOX continue to listen and work with their developers? Over 3,000 people on this forum told you guys how much they didn’t want this update and you still went through with it. :rofl:


I think people who Dev ex get 2000 audio uploads I think. Not 100% sure though.

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Roblox - developer communication is starting to take a turn for the worse.


This is proven completely false; Devex is not at all a metric as many who have yet to Devex have 2000 uploads.

Source: myself, several other devforum replies and a few others on Discord

I have never Dex-Ex’ed during the times I’ve been around ROBLOX, and yet I have this


I’m pretty sure it’s just a visual bug but it extremely feels way off for us to be having this high of a quantity on Audio Uploads


Also, it is not a visual bug, I asked @tnavarts and they said that indeed it is real that you have 2000 uploads. Now celebrate.

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I don’t know what I did wrong. I pressed clicked the thing to grant permissions all the audio has the checkmark beside it… yet the songs are not working? What is wrong? My music script now does an annoying loop of playing the song for 1 second and then cycling to the next. These are the songs I uploaded on my account. I think this update is broken.

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It could Id verification too but that might just have 100 audio upload limit. Again not 100% sure.

it is currently broken i think.

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I think its place visits. Process of elimination


So let me get this straight. They had several weeks to roll this change out and they didn’t notice it was broken. :crazy_face:

Keep in mind this is seen by millions of people using this platform and there’s people that make millions of dollars developing off this platform.

I had to shut the music off in my game entirely. It just won’t work.


Right now my game is broken even though the plugin says all my audio is fine

hopefully this gets resolved soon! :pray:


It’s very broken. Songs owned by you longer than 6 seconds will not play.


that sounds about right. The entire update seems to be a buggy broken mess.

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Pretty much the ones that are gonna work are gonna be the ones made by Roblox themselves.

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You’d think that with this horrible update filled with bugs that ruins most legacy games (at least the ones they didn’t break already) they’d at least make uploading better for us but they went ahead and did this.
I have hundreds of audios I need to upload for my game, my government ID doesn’t have a photo so I can’t go through the verification bot to increase the limit, and roblox support is useless so they just tell me to read the age verification article even if I say beforehand that the article doesn’t help me at all. You can’t even pay robux to upload more audios after the limit :neutral_face:


Would be nice if Roblox could make a further announcement when all bugs are fixed so we know it’s “safe” to start updating without issue.

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For the love of all that is good, roll this back. The announcement’s feedback was almost universally immediate and negative, and now it’s here it’s a complete mess. I will seriously consider moving off roblox entirely if this utter disaster continues, I have put up with too much. You have instantly crushed an enormous chunk of the community with yet another “feature” to make us young developers more unfriendly and divided.