[Update] Changes to Asset Privacy for Audio

lower the amount of days u have to wait dawg i cant do anything with my 10 audio uploads


Yeah… great… Except your music just doesn’t work! Like we need permission to use the music??? But that’s nonsense! (So ​​if you add music from studio for your game, it should work) I hope you correct that because your music is useless! I tested in Theme park Tycoon 2 and the music does not work

Oh and I forgot, Den_S the creator of Theme park tycoon 2 doesn’t like your music because it’s blocked :upside_down_face:

I think it’s because of the audio limit… but other games don’t do this… which is strange?

I hope Roblox will make changes to this and especially reactivate Public audio


We are in desperate need of being able to distribute directly through Roblox again, but at this point I would understand if all or most “music” has to be added to the creator’s inventory in order for it to work.

That way, the audio uploader could share their asset with everyone through Roblox (which is what many of us have been waiting for) but game creators will have to choose what songs / sounds are allowed in their game; which means audio that is out of context, off topic, or violates the rules will not be played in a game without the game creator’s knowledge.