{Update!} Fairy Village Showcase

Hello all,

I’m @Mithrandir6440, and I’ve recently completed a small showcase. Even though I’m still learning scripting, and would consider that my strength, I’ve surprised myself a little bit with this one.

I’m proud of it because I feel that this is my signature style; slightly blocky, use of textures, and awesome lighting. I prefer building/ creating medieval-genre projects.

If you have any feedback at all, be it lighting, models, soundtrack, etc. I would love to hear it!

Donating supports more content. Here is the game:



Courtesy of @MRKYLO20’s generous donation, I have now added walls to it to make it feel like it’s more in a canyon, more plants to make it feel like a forest, and I gave it a more “midnight” lighting feel.


The showcase is good and I really like the your style, it has a very cartoonish feel, You should add like small details like plants, benches, and maybe a fountain if you are feeling crazy, other then that is great.


The showcase is cool and I like it, but the lantern looked like you made it in 10 seconds. And I agree with MeshUploader101, those small details like plants and benches would make the game look even better. I bet you can get really good at building and making showcases if you practice more and more, overall the showcase was good!


Thank you both for your kind works! I will work on improving the lantern, and perhaps go back and add some more details to the showcase!

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Wow nice, great job! Keep up the good work! Maybe you could add it so you can get in the houses

Thank you for your kind words! :slightly_smiling_face:.

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Have you added anything since we gave our feedback?

I just did, check the updated main post :slight_smile:.

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Through the mist, a mysterious village comes into view…

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This is beautiful Mith, really well done! I do agree with this being like your signature style, it does give off a unique, relaxing and creative feel, especially with the soundtrack in the background.

In addition to the above suggestions, I would really love to see this place using Future Is Bright lighting technology to make things look even more awesome whilst inserting and utilizing pointlights/surfacelights on your fire particles and lamps to immerse players even further! You could also consider adding in decorations for terrain to liven things up, though parts for a more cartoonish look will work just as fine!

Looking forward to seeing more on this!


I don’t know if you meant to do this or something, but I can’t seem to complete the obby, near the end.

I can not wait to check this out! :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

Great, I hope you enjoy it!

In response to your concern, @MRKYLO20, during the update some of the parts of the obby were moved - this issue has been fixed. Sorry about that! :sweat_smile: :rofl:

Thank you for the feedback @Stratophoria!

I experimented with every single one of the lighting options, and i think that shadowmap tech blends better with the atmosphere, however if shadowmap wasn’t an option, I would totally go to future.

Good ideas from everyone! Thank you all so much! The showcase is ten times better than when I first created it :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:.

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The showcase is really pretty but it has a very cartoonish feeling as MeshUploader101 said ,as well as the blur/depth of field being a bit too high and small details will really improve it other than that it was really cool and I liked it.

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