Update on Legacy Chat Deprecation and TextChatService Migration

Will the legacy Chatted event be deprecated or broken after the deadline? Whilst my game now uses the new TextChatService, I still rely on the Chatted event in a few places within my game for it to function correctly.


Cue everyone not understanding that you can still use custom chats with this, you just have to pipe messages through TextChatService.


yeah chatted event is completely broken for textchat
so you have to change it to onincomingmessage


Very nice, i love textchatservice. Keep up the good work!!


TextChatService may be new, but some games rely on legacy because of its certain features.

Not a fan of this.


Any hope and plans on fixing this

And adding a feature to update text properties live, instead of each time when hovering over chat?


Re-posting these feature-requests since the current state of TextChatService still unfortunately does not cover my needed use-cases. It’d be ideal to at-the-minmum exclude these sort of cases for needing to use TextChatService until a more solid solution can be implemented:


I really dont like how Roblox have still not achnowledged the lack of functionality parity and huge performance and API issues with the new chat service, despite many developers stating them in the previous post about this change.

No organisation should start a change or migration of a critical service before it can fully replicate all functions of the old system, and yet TextChatService very much fails this key checkbox required for any technical change.


Our released game uses animated UIgradients in the chat, which right now isn’t possible—so I’d like to ask again to keep this as a high-priority feature.
I’d also like to mention that it seems you aren’t able to add UIgradients to the actual message, and only to the prefixed text. We worked around this by setting the text to “ “ (setting it to “” caused it to still render the default text), and setting the prefix text to the actual message content.


Could you please update the dialog ui


Most of this post is still kinda confusing and unclear in some areas, like are we allowed to keep custom chats with textchatservice api or will that also get removed in april? Are there gonna be full gui customization options for the textchatservice or are we just stuck with the ugly default look? And much more


:joy: No, i will never migrate to TextChatService, as it is an useless and stupid chat service that nobody needs. I do not agree with these changes and I will refuse to migrate to that ugly new text chat service. As a 2017 roblox user, I do not agree to these changes and i do not wish to migrate in my game.

Forcing us won’t help. I will find a way to bring back the Legacy Chat System on Roblox. No matter what. I do not let me forced by a stupid company that doesn’t care about their community.


You are allowed to make a custom chat, as long as the messages route through TextChannels and not a custom remote event thing.

Edit: More specifically: Usage Guidelines | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


so like, you guys gonna fix the performance on the new chat any time soon? this is the 1 reason I will be holding back on it as long as I possibly can


Hi, I don’t agree with this update,

First of all, Most older games rely on Legacy Chat as their developers may not be on roblox anymore or are banned. This change could potentially break older games that use older and deprecated Legacy Chat functions.

Second of all, LegacyChatService has a more imaginative feeling to it. The newer service looks extremely corporate and it just looks like an design to attract more investors.

Third of all, If Legacy Chat is so outdated, then why not use the exact same CoreGui, and rebuild the older system from scratch that includes the Parental Controls Feature.

Overall this is just my opinion on this, I think most developers would like Legacy to stay up, so maybe just update Legacy to the newer features.


Hey, is there any chance that New Experience Controls Chat Button has unannounced breaking changes would be fixed? It’s been causing me a lot of trouble lately, quite the combo when you couple it with Script_CoreScripts/ExperienceChatMain Very Slow.


Are we still allowed to use remotes for stuff like custom admin commands and chat logs since i feel like its a lot more simpler and probably performance wise better


I wonder if the customized chats will get put in a folder when auto-migrated and replaced with the standard new one.


Roblox, I cannot switch to textchatservice unless you add the ability to offset the ui from mandatory positions

this post highlights my problems

forcing it is fine but ur not even giving us any options for the base ui


There’s no reason to be concerned about the performance of using TextChatService as a foundation for chat. Things like the memory expense of assets making up game content / perf expense of physics sim are much higher than that from a system which only has to process the occasional packet of text.

There’s some fair concerns about the performance of the built in UI built on top of the TextChatService but that’s a separate concern from moving to the TextChatService API as the orchestration point for chat.

It’s not the TextChatService itself that’s making things slow, it’s issues with code built on top of it which can be improved without changing anything about the TextChatService API, we won’t end up being stuck with poor performance because of TextChatService.