Update on Paid Random Items Restriction for UK Users Under 18

I don’t get it… The UK uses Pounds £? [if you’re american, no… I’m referring to the british currency]

It’s hard for me to test it because I live in the Middle East and not in this area


I am a broke ahh guy who can’t even afford a single UGC accessory in roblox. In the future, I will do some gambling [if only i can afford a ticket to Gdańsk, which is like 4,180 emirati dirhams]

I agree because I don’t want to be drinking tea with a million garbage bags surrounding me in Birmingham [not the one in Alabama, the one in England, also I think it’s the cheapest city in the U.K.]

Roblox please introduce this update in the GCC countries since they completely banned gambling in any form whatsoever

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When is this going to be enforced? Popular games like tower defense simulator does not use this api but has paid random items on blocked countries.


We need much better clarification on what ‘Paid Random Items’ are because on the Terms of Use and Policy API docs, it includes in-experience currency (which then wouldn’t games like Pet Sim 99 be breaking the rules for just having eggs?), but in-experience currency is not mentioned on the experience guidelines Questionnaire. So are normal loot boxes just not allowed at all for those restricted, or just not directly/indirectly via Robux (buying coins to spin a wheel for example)?

As others have also said, this rule isn’t enforced so why should I even follow it in the first place?

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Paid Random Items means items that are bought using real currency like Euros, USD, CAD, etc that aren’t guaranteeing you an item in specific.

The UK is not happy about allowing people under 18 waste all their real money on a loot box that won’t give you the item you really want.

In-game currency that you can earn for free is not included in this as you’re not gambling real money.

You can have a game where UK users can play and still “gamble,” it is just that, they’re not wanting little jimmy to spend hundreds of dollars to gamble when he could be and should be spending his money on stuff he knows he can get 100% of the time, this is also to prevent younger audiences from developing a mental issue where they cannot give up gambling real money as opposed to monopoly money.

EDIT: Just to add on, I’d imagine indirect spending of money to get eggs would be assessed. And also, if you have a game that contains these types of loot boxes that require Robux or real world currency to obtain, and you have a sizeable player base revolving around the UK, your players will not be able to continue playing your game. If you simply do not care about that region of players, don’t worry about it. However, for safety precautions, and because Roblox is trying to let you know ahead of time; it’s good to implement the API, or completely remove the robux/real world currency -> loot box feature entirely from your game.


Is weapon upgrade for in game gold let’s say +1 … +9 considered paid random item?

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This is not correct, I’ve just read that in-game currency is affected too: Randomized Virtual Items Policy | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

involve the payment of Robux or other in-experience currency

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If the in-game gold/currency can be purchased using Robux (even through in-direct means), and the product has a random value, then yes.


And this is where we are confused because most experiences do NOT follow this rule but rather only for Robux (if they follow them at all). Does anyone for sure know exactly what the rules are?

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Whilst I’m probably one of the few people here that has tried to argue on in the past about how things like lootboxes don’t rise to the same level or categorization as gambling, I still believe that lootboxes are predatory and dishonest means of monetizing experiences and they should be fully discouraged whenever possible. Lootboxes are just annoying to deal with as a gamer, period.

So overall I’m supportive of a decision like this as it would cause many developers to potentially rethink adding lootboxes or similar mechanics into their experiences. If it doesn’t do this, at least it will make them make sure you can only buy it with non-purchasable currencies.

Also 69th post… Nice

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Oh no, developers can’t exploit children for gambling addictions, what will they ever do :frowning:

It’s still possible to earn revenue from games without greedy and slimy tactics.


Is this just a proactive method taken by Roblox or had this become a requirement and as a result this change has been added?

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I think it was legal but I haven’t been keeping up with that stuff so idk…

But if it was Roblox initiative they likely wouldn’t only do it for the UK.

Like I said idk tho u might want to double check

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But outside Roblox this affects pretty much every existing online RPG game as far as i know every game has purchasable in-game currency option while retaining an upgrade system with % chance.

But wait… what’s if the upgrade has NOT a random chance, but it’s not a 100% guaranteed success and it’s for in-game currency (not for Robux/real cash)?

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In-game currency still counts (especially if purchased using non-virtual currency), and even then, as one of the requirements for paid randoms you have to state the odds within visibility of buying the product (e.g. on the same UI). Also, how can it be not a random chance and not a 100% success rate at the same time?

Quoted from the Roblox documentation.

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But again, the issue in here is that we’re purchasing an item upgrade rather than a virtual item of some sort. This is specifically a fixed % chance upgrade for a number value instead of receiving an item.

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You shouldn’t do rng on weapon upgrades anyway, that is bad game design.

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Every game including popular titles outside Roblox (example Genshin Impact) does that…

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I’m pretty sure purchasing a RNG upgrade still counts. The paid random ‘item’ in this case would just be the upgrade.

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genshin includes chances of random critical hits, or special abilities, the stats are boosted by percentage, the runes is what is the rng is (you need runes for stat boosting anyways)

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And the received stats from upgrades are completely random, including the double exp upgrade chances

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