Update on Verified Badges

Does it also count Facebook by any chance?


Thank you for the transparency, but I am still confused. I own a verified group that makes multiples of the required revenue for UGC creators, has earned tilt trophies from its experiences in the past, but I’m still not verified personally. How do the requirements work for the group owner? Its a bit unfair the developers could be easily verified but the studio requires 100k followers or whatever. I don’t use my personal social media much, only the studio Twitter.

Update: Received verification :slight_smile:


I heavily agree here. I’m an owner of an older experience, so while I’ve reached these numbers in the past, I would actively have to maintain an older game to qualify for the verified badge for my group here.

Are there any plans to expand the Verified Badge to groups which are well known, as well as large experiences (by visits, or something ‘lifetime’)?

It feels like only awarding it by playtime hours in the last few months excludes well known creators in the past, as well as creators which might’ve not had significant growth in their game’s history, but has kept a consistent pace for several years. I know many famous creators in communities which don’t have a verified badge.


What about the developers working for notable studios? Will they be included?


What social media platforms are entailed to this?


Their “success” will be forever forgotten.


Hey there, i have earnt over 2m+ from ugc sales, however, im not sure how many sales i have? how can i count them? all counter games seems to be broken. will we have a counting official system for ugc items? how do i know if im eligible or no?


Where do we apply for the verified badge? I have more than 100K followers on a social platform and I can provide proof of ownership.


If you mean twitter (x), well bad news:


I feel like notable members in the Developer Community (not biased whatsoever) should also be in the eligability criteria for a verified badge. While the chance of impersonation isn’t as high as a front page developer, it would still be nice to verify people are who they say they are on the DevForum

Maybe the same Verified badge system or something else with flairs? I’m not sure. The criteria could be pretty simple as well, post view counts? like/post ratio? The Admired badge?


As I’ve stated previously, I think the following should be eligible for verified badges:

  • Bloxy award / innovation award recipients
  • Former interns
  • Members of certain devforum groups (community sage, top contributors, post approval)

Folks like this get impersonated fairly often, which can damage their reputation and trust. I know @boatbomber has been impersonated a handful of times, yet they do not qualify for a badge (8k platform followers, small games compared to a lot of front page experiences, etc). I’ve also had accounts attempt to impersonate me in the past.

There’s a non-zero number of creators who are notable enough to be impersonated because they’ve worked on various popular experiences, or are leading a specific area of the platform (such as education), or have won a bloxy / innovation award, etc. The current criteria should be expanded more to cover folks like this.


My group was verified the last time, will these new qualifications mean that my group will still be the only thing that can be verified, or will my account be verified too? I qualify for 1 of these requirements, and am involved in projects which would qualify me for the verified badge, as well as meeting those requirements too.

Currently there is no incentive of having a verified group, and it’d be great if my profile could be recognized for the badge as well as my group.

Also, please open up the requirements more for verified badges. These current requirements pander towards users who only make money for Roblox, and not users who have pioneered the platform from the beginning. Please recognize those users for their efforts too.


Would all the developers of the experience also receive the Verified Badge?

EDIT: Turns out they also receive the Verified Badge but need at least 10,000 followers on Roblox.


Another oddity, is having it follower based means your validity as a verified dev is tied purely to what the community perceives as your contributions (via follows) instead of the owner of the group marking you as a notable member of staff.

If you’re a quiet/humble dev, but you scripted 80% of the game, you’d not get the verification, meanwhile another staff member who… maybe only contributed less than 5% but is more vocal about that 5% would be checkmarked.
I get that they’re trying to prevent another “dev crown” situation… but this ain’t it.


So many people have got botted followers from the past that this requirement is pretty much useless…
I hope the system at least check whether the user’s followers have been terminated.


In the case of groups, would the owner of the experience be the group and not the owner of the group?

Not entirely clear as the previous wave had only the groups be verified before this criteria came out and not the owners. Which means the owner of the group aren’t even considered “owners” unless that has changed with the new criteria.



Does this apply to developers for an experience owned by a group? Will developers be receiving the verification?

edit 10/7
they do


Hope our group get the badge, 1.2M hours playtime 90days


I’ve got 11k followers, 25M+ gameplay hours in the last 90 days and own 2 verified groups and still am not verified?


Dawg, they can just easily get botted with the followers and the visits.
Not sure about the robux on how much they have earned.
I dont think its a good update :,))