Update on Verified Badges

This update sounds interesting!
It’s nice by expanding the criteria!


I hear you. They probably thought ‘We’ll make it tough to get to weed out the bots and other cheats’ but don’t have a grasp on how to actually trust someone as verified.

I’d think that even someone like me who has been active on Roblox since 2011, has a game with over 12.5 million visits (yeah, not a lot, but still…), hasn’t been suspended or lost my account, has been active in the on-site forums since about 2010 and in the devforum since its inception, would be trusted with a verified badge.


dear god.
cant wait for people to bot scam accounts so they get verified on roblox, this totally wont go bad!!


i’ve got more than enough for the verification mark. when are we expected to get an email or notification that we are eligible for it? some of my sales are from group and some from my account, but i also have a lot of paid bundle sales, not free bundles, so do those count too? i can’t see how many because there’s no way to do so. how do i know i’m eligible for the verification mark?


Please may I have the badge I met the previous criteria but you guys stopped giving it out :sob:


I always applaud transparency! Much appreciated. Any timeline on the rolling out of the new badges?


They still don’t take your group stats if you’re the owner into consideration. If you group is verified, the owner should be too.


yeah, as much as i dislike the actual terms to get verified (easily exploitable) its nice to see roblox being clear with stuff now.


Personally I feel like 10K followers is a little absurd for developers, who don’t own the experience. Just because we don’t own the experience doesn’t mean we contribute any less. Not to mention following really has no significance in todays platform, there really is no point in following someone on the Roblox platform, its not like you get updates from them anymore. I work for TDS and only have 3-4K following, where as I have known people that don’t work on any game and have over 100K following from bots.


Why does this link take me off-platform? What is a “zen desk” and why am I prompted to sign into it upon attempting to view the criteria?

Source: https://en.help.roblox.com/hc/en-us/articles/7997207259156


Agreed. Its astonishing to look at some of the top 50 developers, only to see like 5k followers. Such a weird number they picked.


i think they forgot to make whatever that is read only or something, clearly not meant to do that.


These requirements are inane. What’s the purpose behind this system if it’s being made this exclusive? I can name multiple creators with varying presence and varying notability who have all had extremely negative experiences with impersonation and identification.

Why is this incredibly useful system being restricted to the top 1% of the top 1% in certain categories?


I agree, however I believe if it was too lax, it could be exploited by bad actors into getting authority over people, you don’t wanna give scammers and predators an easy route to get kids to do whatever they say because of a little badge on their name.

I think roblox is just trying to make sure anyone with the verified badge is trustworthy, as to not cause the situation above.


Even has someone who, as far as I’m aware, meets every one of these (admittedly fairly arbitrary feeling) requirements as outlined:

I’m ID verified, have above the 10k followers required as a contributor, and Shovelware’s Brain Game, even on the downswing, has still had nearly 2M+ total hours in the last 90 days. Heck, the game is even nominated for a couple Innovation Awards, an official Roblox event that surely would have put us on the radar to some extent, and yet my own profile nor any of my team’s or the groups our games are hosted on are verified in any capacity still.

I’m not torn up about not having the little check-mark or anything, but with these criteria now clearly outlined I’m actually more confused than I was previously as to why some groups and users (including some who are impersonating real brands!) are verified. It leaves me with concerns over the notable users and developers who don’t quite meet these requirements for one reason or another but are still notable figures who could stand to be protected against impersonation.


100k follower requirement is specifically meant for brands, not for individual users


Well time to start pumping out skibidi toilet grimace shake pay2win junk so I can get recognized as an official verified Roblox™ game developer! Anyone have any good anime outfits to stea- I mean get inspired by? Gotta pump those UGC numbers up!


Almost half a decade ago, I created an account on Twitter called @Roblox_RTC, which now has amassed almost 750,000 followers. Does Roblox also defineus as a brand? If so, would only the @RTCRobloxTwitter – our Roblox account, be eligible for the Verified Badge, both me, @ImJustZAZC, and @molegul, who jointly own the account, or would it just be me, the person who created and operates the account be additionally considered eligible for the Verified Icon?

Roblox does make things much clearer than the previously vague requirements, which is amazing. I am just left with, what is considered a brand? Are accounts on Twitter such as Roblox_RTC, Bloxy_News, RBXNews_, RBXevents_ also considered brands, and will the owner(s) who represent the account also be eligible for verification? Thank you

EDIT: As according to the Blogpost, it mentions Brands & Figures, and I believe that we, and the aforementioned accounts as examples, should be eligible considering.


okay thank you for clarifying but my question still stands if a brand does have 100K+ on another social platform how do we provide proof of ownership if theres no place to submit them? do we use roblox customer service? email?


PLEASE let us turn them off! Since receiving my checkmark I get constantly harassed every time I join games, the attention is unwanted. I made a feature request for this about a month ago.

I do not want the checkmark ingame whatsoever. On my profile is one thing but when I’m playing games that aren’t my own there’s no point for anyone to know I’m verified.