Update "Roblox Dark" Theme to Match New Brand Colors for Consistency

This year, Roblox introduced a new color to their brand palette, replacing the traditional blue and green tones with a vibrant “vivid blue.” This change started with the Creator Documentation, where highlighted topics and primary buttons transitioned from “bright sky blue” (#2BB1FF) to “vivid blue” (#1446FF). The update is now being applied across the Creator Hub and the Roblox Universal App, including the play button, from “vibrant teal green” (#00B06F) to “vivid blue” (#1446FF).


  1. Creator Documentation:
  2. Roblox Universal App:

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to ignore that the “Roblox Dark” theme hasn’t been updated to match the new brand colors. This makes the theme look inconsistent and outdated.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because everything would look more consistent, and professional. It would also make the website feel more polished and enjoyable to use.


i know this may be off topic. but when was this announced?


Heya @walywhale,

This was not announced in a specific communication category… To my knowledge, it was just updated, and anyone who has a detailed eye might have noticed this small change.


Doesn’t this only apply to the app and mobile? A majority of users use the website and hate the app. This would be better as it’s own thing.


tbh roblox wants to beat the look of the meta games thing that looks like it could be roblox


where did you even get the app mockup??

sorry if this reply gets taken down for off topic, i will message you instead


my brother has this new theme but i dont lol
maybe under ab testing or progressive rollout

edit : by theme i mean blue play button, not the design just the colour


And while they’re at it, they should add an AMOLED/OLED option like other sites have that allows you to switch to a truly #000000 theme if you’re using a display with individual pixel addressing.


please tell me if this is off-topic

This should have happened 1 year ago ngl. The Roblox theme always changes every 4 years, there’s the 07-11 Comic sans theme, the 11-15 bluish city theme, the 15-19 light blue theme, and the 19-23 colorless theme.

Every theme comes with its own font, so ever since the Builder font made its way onto the platform, it was only matter of time until they added a new theme.

Overall, I wouldn’t say I like it, but if the other option is a vividless, colorless theme, then I prefer this one. Looking forward to roblox adding more ACTUAL COLOR FOR ONCE to the website!


As of right now, both the Roblox Universal App and the website have been updated with an improved version of the dark theme:


The Roblox Developer Forum should follow this new palette of the platform for consistency and better UI/UX aesthetics.


NO. First of all, add a way to
a. Revert color palletes/ old theme.
b. Create custom theming

I love the new bg color, but I hate the new blue play button.


that wont be happening, if you’re so beat up over a color then use a css theme


Shouldn’t have to learn a whole language to combat changes forced onto me, they could make this a theme at the least.


all change will happen, it’s not worth their time to add a switch to change a color


It also wasn’t worth their time to make a change to coloring LITERALLY NOBODY asked for, but they always spend time and effort doing that instead of looking at feature requests huh

What makes doing this worth it???


it’s a good aesthetic change that was needed. the new material dark color is much nicer on the eyes and closer to an actual dark theme. there are many teams comprised of hundreds of engineers which are actively working on features that they deem more important, what makes doing this worth it is a nicer theme for everyone to look at. the reason a lot of feature requests aren’t even seen in the first place is because half of them are all complete junk


Forgive me if im about to come off as a picky person but I digress…

So whats the point of all this exactly? Its just a slight cosmetic change. The older colors were already good enough why you guys feel the need to change it? You coudl’ve spent more time fixing all the other flaws that ROBLOX is plagued with what was the purpose of just a slight color change that could probably be reverted back via Chrome extensions?

The darker background I dont mind honestly and I think it looks better but why everything else? Like what do we gain from this exactly? And in my honest opinion the vivid blue is a bit gaudy but hey thats just me.


Aesthetic changes are not needed. Nobody would complain if it was kept as is for a year, nobody would complain if they did this and gave users the option to manually revert it.

I like this better too, but the other aspects of the theming has got to go.

This is entirely subjective to whoever is looking at it, that being said I made a poll to see if a majority of the users here agree with the change or not. (edit: they do!)

There are ancient suggestions that would 100% be used by almost every developer such as transferring personal funds to group funds, such a simple idea has been ignored for years.

Of course there are more, see here for some features I deem would be super beneficial to users and developers.

(Also, I apologize if I come off as rude to you in any of my posts.)

also for heavens sakes the background color does not match with the shade of gray used for the sidebar/topbar… it just triggers me

… and nobody is complaining about the change (minus you)

sure, but most don’t have a preference. all of this negativity will be forgotten in around a year when people forget that the play button is blue

again most people don’t take color changes like this too seriously

some of these (especially transferring personal → group funds) require more than just “adding it”. something like this could be a huge security risk, even with 2FA

  1. wrong (people were complaining before I did)
  2. look at this :sob:

I get that but I don’t get the need for that to be done.

WHY is the play button blue?
WHY can’t I change that?

This is essentially the same as buying a shirt from a group, without losing, YOUR OWN ROBUX. It’s still the same level of risk, however, you don’t lose 30% of… YOUR OWN ROBUX. TO YOURSELF.

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