[Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

I got the medal, but it’s super broken?? Like it was working fine before???

Also, on R6, it won’t fit most torsos. The blocky + smaller torsos work fine, but Robloxian 2.0 and others block part of it.

I love this Roblox Developer Dream Jam event, it’s really fun and the prize looks awesome!


True, it was super exciting to participate in this event :slight_smile:

This sould be cool if the image can be fix:
Because the avatar can’t load:
unknown (1)

I have an issue.

The owner of the game I worked on got the participation award but I didn’t but they said they put my name on the form.

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Just wait a bit, it may take a while

I got the medal, but theres an issue with it. It wont work on R15 avatars (+ it wont load your character on the website), i tried R6 and it works perfectly. Please fix it.


Yeah its the same issue it also goes invisible in r15 games i just hope roblox fix the issue asap

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yes thats true my roblox avatar doesnt load

I didnt get the medal? :frowning: but i did participate in the contest…

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it’s so bad that after a 5 day work, i still didn’t recieve the gift! I am not participating in these competitions again…

Just PM @Moxyll , You don’t have to worry about it. It would just take time overall.

Asked them a few days ago and yet, no answer. Asked them when dream jam was still running about a few issues and guess what? No answer. I lost hope already :C


Yeah, I can prove it. The game has credited his name.

I didn’t get the medal too, got any advice?

I’ve filed a bug report for it just to let you know, hoping Roblox responds to it soon.

For people who can’t find the medal, have you looked to see whether Roblox sent you a message saying you received it?

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Yes, I have been checking my inboxes…but nothing appeared :frowning:

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the thing is that you dont truly know if you got a valid entry or not.


So a few days ago I received the participation medal but my avatar doesn’t seem to load with it on. It will never load my avatar and it doesn’t appear on my avatar in experiences either, but if I unequip it everything works fine.