[Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

Everyone has that problem the medal is bugged.
If you want for it to display on your profile just switch to R6.

i want to wear it
but i am not ganna switch to r6 i like my avatar how it is and i want to be able tio use layered clothing

you wont be able to use it with layered clothing as it will cover it up.

ok lol you got me
but stil
i want to be able to use it on r15

It’s kinda sad that I’ve been disqualified, but I have lots of fun building a game so that’s ok!

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I still don’t have it. Is there a way to contact a admin for help?

They said it can take weeks. Be patient

Just saying I still haven’t gotten the badge yet.

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I got the medal, but it doesn’t show up at all in game when my avatar is wearing it. Is anyone else having that problem?

Its not working for R15, I don’t think they will fix it.


I got the medal as well, however like bumbelyoshi said above, it is not working on R15 models, when I change to R6 it shows. Pretty big bummer.

Its been a known bug for 2 weeks now. It also happens with some toy code accessories.
Now we need to wait for Roblox to fix it.

Good new, the dream jam medal got fixed and work on any game and profile!


Editied, the medal still don’t work on R15 game:
and also in profile R15

But R6 work.


no my teamate was never on the devforum until days later

its random it took 3 days for me

Funny how they care about the thumbnail and not even thinking about FIXING it for R15

This is pretty annoying tbh, why would roblox make an accessory that only works with older avatars? Getting a developer medal item was half the reason I entered the game jam, lol!

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I got it almost right after the end of the game jam.

It’s finally fixed for R15!


Sooo… I guess its fixed now but its also a bit squished as well.
I guess that’s better then it being broken.

How it looks like:

How its suppose to look like: