UPDATE! Sign Generator! [Free Plugin For Beginners and Devs!]

We’ve added an update! It includes much more design now.

Is there a way to use it with any kind of font?

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Axel! How you doing lately? So yes, all fonts will be added soon, but I only had a little time to work on the update so I only added 12 fonts. So if you’d like to get a different type of font, spawn in the sign with any font, then go to the explorer and locate the sign. After that, click the arrow, then click the arrow by text, then click the arrow by surface gui, then click textlabel. In the text label, go to the properties of them then scroll down till you see Font. I would film a video but im now on vacation and I do not have my laptop with me. If anyone can film a video for axel, please do!

I’m good lately, just trying to learn different types of languages and possibly taking AP Computer Science next year in high school. Thanks for replying to my question since I may need to use it soon for another game, thanks!

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Let me ask around to see if I can get a video showing how to use more fonts.


@axelg33, heres the video. Thank you crazed! I forgot to say thank you in dms last night lol, sorry

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Finally, something I can trust and not from a random person with no experience

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In the next update, what would you like to see? (This is a question for everybody)

I’ve already thought about having multiple types of signs to chose from.

Would anyone want to see maybe more plugins similar to this one?

With the new features I can def say this is something I could use.

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Glad to hear! I think the new update was needed.

I find this plugin very useful to me, but could you add an actual light mode instead of a grey mode?

Also, isn’t step 4 of the plugin is against Roblox’s ToS by asking users to go offsite to Discord to message you? I don’t think it is for bad intentions but better safe than sorry.


I still find this plugin very useful to me and my workflow.


Ill have to look into the terms of service thing. The only reason I put the discord thing is because not all developers are members on the devforum, and some developers have been on the devforum but aren’t members on it. Thanks for pointing that out though and im very happy to hear you are enjoying the plugin. I can try making a flexible lighting feature.

It would be nice if this brought in something new that wasn’t that easy to do before. What I’m thinking of at the moment is adding RichText support for multiple different colors on the same sign (figuring out the color codes and formatting correctly is a time consuming step).

(Making regular signs without RichText takes like 2 seconds lets be real)

EDIT: Sheesh dude I just looked at the source code you have some cleaning up to do

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You may have to provide some examples to give me a better insight of what you’re talking about. You can use italics and bold in your text with the plugin. It offers those. Im not sure if thats what you meant by rich text or not.

Haha, yes my code is very messy.

Last update I had to clean up alot of it and completely restart on some features so it was kind if rushed.

This is what you can do with RichText.
See? Multiple text colors on one label. This is done with this text:
<font color="rgb(0, 255, 0)">hello in green</font> <font color="rgb(255, 0, 0)">hello in red</font>
With this property enabled on the text label.

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