[UPDATED Common Virus Detector] MightTea Cleaner 2

So I recently released a plugin of mine to the public, I got some feedback on it and decided to make a more efficient version.

If you haven’t yet installed the plugin, please do so here . If you already have it, just update it.

Here’s how to set up MightTea Cleaner 2:

  • In Studio, You’ll need to go to File → Advanced → Customize Shortcuts


  • You’ll then need search for “MightTea Cleaner 2”, Typing “Might” should do the job since ROBLOX will auto complete for you. Once you’ve found it, you’ll need to set a keyboard shortcut of your choice, I’ll recommend using Ctrl + Alt + Shift + M. Once you’re done setting a keybind, just click on the OK button.

Now that you’ve successfully set a keybind, selecting on any script/model/folder etc. Then pressing your keyboard shortcut will run a virus scan within those objects. If you need to scan your entire game, just deselect everything and hit your keyboard shortcut again.

Since a lot of people said their own scripts were being detected. You can now have a ignorelist for that studio session!

  • Open the plugin from your ToolBox


  • You can then select any script(s) from your game then click on the add to list button, scripts in the ignore list will be completely ignored from the scan until you remove them or the studio session ends.

I also updated the framework for how the plugin detects viruses! Thanks for reading, If you do try this out, please provide any feedback.

Plugin: MightTea Cleaner 2 - Roblox

Old Version: MightTea Cleaner [Deprecated] - Roblox


This seems quite useful. Especially when you use a lot of items from the toolbox.


@MightTea The Old Version (Deprecated) seems to not be able to be installed.

Also, I don’t really like the shortcut… can you add a button on the Plugin GUI to scan?

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Why should I trust this plugin? Can you expand on that?

There’s only so much I could do to earn your trust. Basically you need to be a well known developer to earn other developers trusts. Which i’m not even close to being a well known developer, so at this point all I could say is to use at your own risk. Plus you could check for your self if my plugin inserts any malicious objects to your game, which it only has the power to remove objects by your clicks, no way in my plugin does it insert anything whatsoever.


because this is one of the best virus detector plugin I have ever seen.


I just noticed, it is pronounced Migh-ty. :woman_facepalming:


In one of my games, all my script had a module backdoor added to them, this has been helpful finding them and removing them! Thank you so much.

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There are a few false positives. A lot of things in models made by ROBLOX themselves seem to be detected. I hope this can be fixed but overall it is a decent module for noobs.

Lets say I have 100 scripts in my game. Why would i sit and whitelist every single one

It doesn’t warn you of every script in the game, rather those detected “malicious” by the plugin. I have to say that the detection isn’t very good and never scans for getfenv or ASCII letter codes ("\95\93\91").

Most malicious scripts today abuse ASCII and attempt to hide require or getfenv in plain sight, but fail to do so. They may also obfuscate the script and make it impossible to understand.

If the plugin creator is still here, I suggest you improve your detection method based on the statement I said above.

Not going to lie, this is pretty good.
There are some things you should add though, like optional scanning for requires, getfenv scanning, etc. (to the anti virus)
Some of your suspicious codes are going to give lots of false positives, such as “clone()” and/or “repeat”, you use :clone() to give someone a tool, and you can use “repeat” to wait until a certain part is spawned before running code.

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This is the best virus detecting plugin I have ever seen. I only have suggestion though, make it so that when you say that a script is a certain level of “Risky”, please explain why. There should at least be a brief description of what made the script “Medium” risk, so that I can delete only that part of the script and not the whole thing. Otherwise, really great plugin, has helped me a lot, thank you!

this might need to detect sus stuff like having 1 letter variables

plz no report