Updated In Experience Controls on Roblox

not to mention that, this is their ‘good’ example? The game topbar and roblox topbar sizes don’t even match (not that they have to but this was a ‘good’ example):


I have a friend who got a layout that seems to include a screenshot section. It looks like this:

Screenshot 2024-06-19 182727

Does anyone know if there is a FFlag to enable it?


Thank you for the transparency!
I actually wasn’t aware of the TopbarSafeInserts API, so I was stressing over the back/forth switching between where to place my topbar icons. Needless to say this API is a far better way for me to manage that, so thanks for mentioning it.

I think a lot of us would appreciate a new StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() CoreGuiType to enable/disable the second button in the topbar. A lot of the features in there can be found in the menu, and any that can’t have no reason not to be found there, as far as I know.
As both a developer and a player there are times where I’d appreciate the ability to lessen how much of the CoreGui appears on my screen, for immersion purposes.

Other than that, would it be possible to allow developers to insert their own features inside of the in-experience controls (just in case I got the name wrong, the button to the right of the Roblox logo)? It would add a lot of customization to experiences. For example, I could let players access my keybind menu or volume settings inside of it rather than from buttons next to it. I believe this would result in a cleaner UI overall.


what? you’re expecting c-c-color from 2024 modern-day coorporate roblox? C’mon now


It’s fantastic to see more developers embracing our helpful API for their UI needs, and the results are impressive!

because you guys keep pressuring us with invasive updates to the UI and we have no other choice other than adapt to it :confused:

however, pinning controls is simply NOT enough. how about a more modular and customizable in-experience controls, so that we could modify it according to our needs???


Will you be moving the health bar back to the right?


The design is not too bad but I’d be glad if it could be smaller or if we can change some properties of it.
Also I’d be glad if we can get more SetCoreGui capabilities for this design.


I kind of like it, but I dislike it more than I like it.
These are what I would change about it:

  • Reduce its size to the original 36 pixels
  • Reduce corner size (it literally doesn’t match any Roblox UI atm)
  • Bring back the mic to the player’s head

the mic on the player’s head is a huge privacy issue, i’ve unmuted myself on accident without knowing before, but luckily my microphone is not usually connected


Please reduce the size of the new menu bar. Also it is such a hassle just to open my inventory and open the leaderboard now :confused:


there are tab and ~ keys that exist you can use to quickly access.


I’m trying to use the TopbarSafeInsets API, but I cannot figure out a way to get the padding between the top of the screen, and the roblox coregui buttons. This is very problematic as that padding changes depending on the size of the screen, and TopbarSafeInsets only gives to size of the inset from the top, to the bottom, without padding…


How did they use custom topbar? Did they use forver hd’s topbar plus module or is there another way to do it on Roblox


use a script instead like me, and yes we need the checkmark for automatic padding

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I’m on mobile most of the time :frowning:

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This should work
"FFlagEnableInGameMenuChrome": "True"

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I am using a script

I ended up figuring out that the height of the roblox UI buttons is 44 pixels, they have a 2 pixel padding from the bottom, and the top padding is the only thing that changes with the screen size

Still, those values need to be hard coded in our scripts, so changes to them mess things up


Thank you for your help. However, I already had this value and “FFlagEnableChromePinnedChat” enabled, which gives this:

Screenshot 2024-06-21 175015

As you can see, there is no “Captures” button.
The version with a screenshot section must be one of the few layouts Roblox is testing, I guess.

Thank you for helping me anyway!

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If you want the captures button it won’t be the same as the one you showed but in settings enable captures and there should be a icon to the right of your screen to take screenshots

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Thanks for the bug report, this test doesn’t fix that bug but we just made a change which should make it happen less often and we’ve filed a ticket to complete a full fix.