Updated Studio Start Screen

You have to open a place first, I guess. :confused:

Here’s hoping this gets done to more elements of the site, places are currently shown by default on the develop page, I found this super confusing when I first started making multi-place games. Additionally adding places to the profile is confusing, shouldn’t the game be what you add, not the starting place? Don’t even get me started on configuration being split between game and sub places, you have to load like 3 intermediate pages to get between each without using separate tabs

I hope that window/page/widget/whatever has enough information so that future plugin users can tell they are getting the plugin they saw on the web and not a different plugin that has the same name, icon, or author.


I think it’s just designed for simplicity and clarity, roblox is a platform intended for all ages so the clearer a design is while maintaining functionality, the better.

Yep. I find plugins through links on Discord or posted on the developer forums. If I can’t install plugins by link, I’ll probably just end up downloading them and adding them to the Studio InstalledPlugins folder manually.

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So why are we getting rid of the url bar again…?


This is definitely far more beautiful than the old layout.

However, in accordance with what @EchoReaper said, I would prefer to have a “Recent” tab as the default, or even possibly with thumbnails saved of the most recent places, if at all possible. It would be incredibly useful for quickly accessing my places without having to look around for the right one.

Edit: The missing URL bar is a cause of concern for me as well. It would be annoying to have to open up a new place just to browse sections of the website, which I actually tend to do a lot in studio.

Edit #2: In order to clear any possible confusion, by “thumbnails saved of the most recent places”, I mean that it’d be nice if recent save files were to store a quick shot of the place within the file and display on this studio menu. I have a lot of places with not-so-very descriptive names (my fault) and it’d be so incredibly useful if this were a thing.


I use the recents all the time! I will be very sad if I can’t use it any more.



I feel the same way as when Windows 10 came out. Studio is finally gonna be sleek


Still kinda unsatisfied with the super-simplified mobile-UI style but it’s still way better than the old one :wink:


Does “recent” mean local files or places you edited recently?

Currently it’s painful to edit existing places because of the unbearable load times of the Develop page. It would be amazing if it’s a list of uploaded places you edited recently.

Some gripes:

Recently accessed games should be the default first tab with templates being second. Whenever I open studio I always use the Recent list of 6 files that I have recently opened.

There doesn’t appear to be a simple way of opening a file without using the file dropdown menu. I feel like this is counter-intuitive as everything else is a simple click away. (Sure I could use Ctrl+O but why not have a button under “Recent” for “Open”)

As far as I can tell there is no differentiating between a game or a place in this new setup. The old setup had a tab on the side for “My Games” and “My Projects” (why call it projects if they’re places?) and it seems odd not having there be an obvious place to look for places only.

There’s not much to base an opinion on just yet. You did mention a new Team Create game section, but the picture shown doesn’t show one. For an update dropping so soon I would prefer more screenshots so we know what to expect. Guess I’ll have to wait for the update before I can provide more useful gripes.

Yes, I know some of this is echoing other users’ complaints.

But, with all that said, it’s definitely a step in the right direction for making studio cleaner and match the Roblox AESTHETIC

Edit: Saw that the original post said games and places were consolidated onto one page. This also seems like a step back to me. Unless clicking the game will open a new page with all of the places. This would be really nice if it did this and also included a table of all gamepasses and dev products on one page as well.


This sounds like an amazing update. Will the active/inactive indicator be clickable so that we can easily make a place active within studio?


Bad impression

I like that the tool windows aren’t there, but how the site is like annoys me. Stop giving me TEMPLATES, the big part of the screen should be “the stuff you are currently working on”

The left side has me seriously worried; if these don’t respond the MOMENT I click them, I am going to be so frustrated opening files/ maps I want access to.

How the hell do I access site plugins to install???

You want to improve Studio workflow? Give me more “recently opened” files/ games with thumbnails to preview the way they look. Give me a spot to put links to get to plugins, or better yet have the site respond to clicking “install plugin” by opening studio/ switching to studio and having that page pop up in a tab.

I have to wait for irrelevant pages to load several times before I can start searching for sounds/ decals, or to upload my own decals/ sounds.

Other gripes:


These (And “switch to classic”) are the 3 core things I interact with. Everything else? Never. As far as templates go it’d be nice to set presets myself. I use a plugin to load my own baseplate/ starterkit anyway though.

I LOVE being able to instantly access “Recent Files” in my old version, why is it hidden behind a tab in this new one?

I HATE this design of everything being hidden behind extra clicks, while still predominantly displaying the one thing I don’t need.

You more or less changed nothing. I don’t need studio to look sleek.
I want to pull it up and have almost tendril-esque insight to all facets of what I need access to.

If I had to redesign this screen, it would easily contain quick access to asset uploading, quicker access to the valuable library tabs directly (and potentially letting me open them in a browser tab instead of a studio tab), statistics on earnings and the active players in all my games.

I don’t want something that feels like a babby friendly app. I want studio to be hardcore but also fast loading. QUICK. NO BARRIERS. Instant access. That’s what this screen SHOULD be. It shouldn’t look “aesthetic” or “simple”


I’d love to instantly make my games active/ inactive/ shutdown- everything.
I hate how slow the develop tab is. It is SO unresponsive.


This update really does help make ROBLOX Studio a more fluid and easier-to-use tool which I’m much looking forward to.

nods head in approval Nice, nice…

IMO the landing page should be “Recent”. 95% of the time I start studio it’s to log into 1 of 2 team create places.


It looks much better, but functionally it seems a bit lacking:

  • "If one of your games has multiple places, [use] Game Explorer"
    While just a “My Games” section is fine, it’d be nice if we could get a list of (one game’s) places without having to open it. Seems a bit weird I have to open one place just to access other places in the same universe.
    additionally, it’d be nice to be able to see the Game Explorer of a universe without opening a place

  • "Game status indicator reveals whether games are active or not."
    You mean that… “book” under Village etc? They’re not very… informative… I hope it has a tooltip

  • The Baseplate / Flat Terrain templates are online places
    With the old layout, we can press the “New” icon to get an empty (baseplate) place. If we use the Baseplate template (which would now be the only option, apart from other templates), it actually loads an online place that’s just an empty baseplate. It’d be nicer if the Baseplate (and Flat Terrain?) template just created a new empty place and quickly created the baseplate/terrain instead of having to load an online one. (actually a problem that was always present in the old layout too, but eh)

  • No “Group Games” section
    I doubt this is hidden under “My Games”, and it’d be nice to have it as its own section anyway.

  • Where’s the Team Create section?
    “New Team Create games section so you can easily find games that friends invited you to edit”
    where is it tho? should be a big button on the big blue bar


If both if those are missing I am screwed. I’m almost never working on my own games, its always team create or group games.


Yesss, Team Create section.