Updated Studio Start Screen

Since this update, I can no longer download studio

Awsome, i can not wait to test it!

The update… isn’t live?


Well studio updated so I thought it was this.

:+1: :+1:

This looks so much better

Amazing! Clean & Modern design along with more organized sections. Although it’d be nice to have a check mark or an indicator which would allow us to make a place active or not, along with studio themes.

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Now we just need the groups page to be re-designed.


I seem to be in a minority here, but I’m not so sure about this update.
For one, I always found the current UI annoying and constantly used the “Switch to classic view” button.
Secondly, the new UI seems to be very much inspired by mobile phone apps and other UI like that, which instantly makes me dislike it to some degree.
Studio is not a mobile app, but it will look exactly like one with this update.

Hopefully it will work out fine, and the adjustment won’t be too frustrating.

Now I just wonder if we’re still going to have to switch tabs from “Places” to “Games” just to activate and deactivate places…


Waiting patiently for this update :smiley:

Hopefully eventually we won’t need the use for “switch to classic” at all, and there will be a section to search for plugins/models built into the layout.

Other than the other things others have mentioned, it looks great and I can’t wait for it to go live :slight_smile:

The “Group games” section became hard to navigate because it does not use a web view. I have 100 groups so it’s very slow to find my group in this new tab. Previously, you could mouse over it and type to jump to the group name.

A search bar for groups would absolutely solve this problem!


This looks great, but I honestly think it should be defaulted to “My Games”. I’m pretty sure it’s safe to say more people will be using that page instead of “New”. Less clicks/loading.

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The UI on this looks awesome! Will this theme be eventually applied to the rest of studio to some extent? It sort of looks a bit out of place right now with the rest of studio not looking much like it :thinking:


Almost all my game icons are blank:

Group Games don’t show:

Edit: One of the groups’ games has loaded in. I guess you guys are using a job that’s adding all the games to these lists and it hasn’t reached all groups yet.

Only one of my groups is showing Group Games in this tab (the first one in the list). Every other group in the dropdown is empty. For instance, below is the page for The Roblox Developer Forum. The group’s config is set to show places on the group page, I have active games, and I own the group, so I don’t know why it’d be blank.

TC games are missing:

I have Team Create access to this place. It does not show up in the “Shared With Me” tab, which seems mostly inaccurate.


We’re in the process of fully rolling this feature out. We should have a few more fixes for it shortly. Please let me know if you still see these issues after a restart in an hour.


I love the new look, but how are we supposed to browse plugins now…? I’m currently stuck trying to install a plugin

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Open a Place > Plugins Tab > Manage Plugins

Why is the URL browser that still exists and works require you to open a place and add a plugin before working?

Also, scrolling when you have a bunch of places on the main page is slow and feels very laggy.

Ah yeah, cheers