Updated Verified Badge Criteria for Contributing Developers

I get the point of the change, but I don’t think this is enough. In theory, verification should get easier, but nothing changes with the goal of making it easier. You still need an insane amount of followers - which as a reminder, following people basically has no purpose - and now you just don’t know how far you are with this requirement. When are requirements going to be reduced for other developers to get it? When will I start to not be alone with my flashy badge (that I can’t turn off in games, by the way) while my peers still have no clear path to getting it?


“10,000 legitimate followers” although half of the people verified are botted anyways… Its pretty much to late to do this, and there are still people that will get verified in the future by botting. An example can be looked at through this guys profile just from the 5th page: zynicade - Roblox

and the bots follow all his verified friends too.


That’s great, I’ve seen quite a few people that have the Verified Badge with nothing but botted followers.


So how do I delete all the followers that you’ve identified as a bot, if you can internally flag them, why cant I remove them automatically?

A “Remove botted followers”, even if I have to go through support for it would be beneficial here.


Hopefully this will prevent the “buy a checkmark” black market services.


I have a game with more than 1 million hours playtime and I haven’t got the verified Badges on any of my accounts nor the group. Any clarification?

Edit: I guess I need to be ID verified, which I won’t be able to do until 2032… Allow age changes with ID verification even when account is underaged


Followers serve no use for developers, why should a player “follow” another player? There’s nothing that connects anything. If anything sending a friend request should automatically “follow” the player.

All I see on the site are user ads asking people to follow them.


If my plugins and assets are selling well, then it would be nice for potential customers to see that I am verified when they see my assets for sale in the marketplace, but there is currently no criteria for developers who make plugins and assets to get a verified badge.

Are there any plans for allowing asset and tool makers to become verified, with the fast approaching Creator Store release?


Yes! Hopefully this will deter at least some people from begging for followers using Roblox advertisements. Those ones are really annoying.


Those arent botted though? Its just in your face a bit, which isnt really that bad.

But I feel like this update is kinda late. So what now, will random people get their verified badge taken away suddenly?? Kinda sucks that this wasnt done earlier.


Why are followers, a feature that is essentially useless on the website, being used to gauge notability in the first place? I’ve barely gained any followers over the past few years despite owning a group with over 300k members, which includes games with hundreds of millions of visits combined. Our Discord has tens of thousands of users. Our Twitter has tens of thousands of followers.

Requesting people to follow me and the other developers of my group’s games through those stupid advertisements I’ve seen all over the website, or through some in-game verification system, are both just gaming the system. How is having edit access (for a reasonable amount of time) under a verified group with games that meet the requirements not enough by itself? How does having followers provide any more validity?


Why is the requirement so absolutely high for the badge? I’ve been on the devforum for 3-4 years giving out inexperienced builders guides and tips/tricks to their own knowledge and I made a couple of games in the past (with my friend as the owner of the project, since there can’t be two owners).

I really am surprised that this verified badge does not apply to me as I’ve had a share of experience and I’m somewhat a trustable source. I know some of you assume I may not be because everyone is just a stranger, but that still applies to how it is now, you can’t just say that people who spread ads to get followers is just insane since they’re also just random players.

This is like a rant, but it’s something that should be considered to be honest.


I hope this is valuated carefully depending on the violation, and perhaps room for temporary block depending on how severe the violation has to be in the first place. (By temporary I’m imagining something like 2 years for this), continued good standing following a block might also help.


Advertising for followers (doesn’t on it’s own I believe), contribute to a true representation of one’s notability or authenticity in general. If all one cares about is getting a verified badge, from advertising for follower purposes, rather than being more of a contributor to an experience (which is what it should be mainly about), then they aren’t really being authentic at all.


Because these requirements are designed first for what Roblox developers are first and foremost. Actually creating content for the platform that gets Roblox metrics.

The verified badge is for people who “notable and authentic creators”, developers like us are not at that same level of risk most of the time and are not the priority of this system. There are developers above you who need the badge more than you and they should get it.

When the requirements for developers who are notable but work in the community rather than on experiences come, I wouldn’t personally expect it to be a low bar.


Yes, but then why are followers the requirement in the first place? They mean pretty much nothing. And by extension, why is the verified badge even a thing? Roblox already states that just because someone has it, doesnt mean they are specifically endorsed, so why should it even exist?


Let me rephrase this.
I do not understand the ideal of how this system of verification works.

Moreover why does Roblox even do this if they’re not capable of following their own community and instead they insist on forcing features that could belittle some famous creators due to a small mistake of how the current process of trusting a creator is.

As it is right now and then many famous creators who stream or make videos online share usually one common thing and it is that they show their profile for others which usually leads them to gaining a significant amount of followers in exchange.
Most importantly, the Verified Badge is promoting an user to go to a different website which normally in moderational terms in Roblox, it would be not allowed. I mean, we cannot say ourselves the company names such as You**** or Disc*** because it’d get moderated, but Roblox can do it?
Anyway, I’m getting off-topic, so as I’ve mentioned,
Influencers and other similar people should be followed by the follower system while normal Experience Developers should be verified through certain parts of the processes that they can be a part of, DevForum interactions, Account Age, count of how long a user develops for in a studio.
And lastly, UGC Verified Badge creators are practically unable to get verified anyway since many other creators have already made through the first run of UGC uploads where people could have uploaded everything that hasn’t yet existed that could be considered profitable, but now it’s just gone downhill and there’s less to upload and to come up with. I’ve already been applying and never got through, I was literally waiting on monthly responses on Guilded for the support to check things through. I was told it was going to be checked within a month… months ago. I mentioned later again and they’ve said that they’re looking into it and after that it just lead to a stop and telling me that the current applications have ended. And this is complete blasphemy for this kind of situation to happen, but like sure the applications were filled with many users asking for it or either a lot of applications were just spam, but I’ve tried to at least get the chance before it gets locked in Premium which is just crazy.


It’s been months, they should at least view that some creators deserve that kind of badge so it’d be easier to tell if they can be trusted. It is verification afterall.

Notable and authentic literally say that it’s a badge dedicated for trust purposes, I literally have a spam of accounts name shaming me since I once just left a commission because I was not satisfied with how I was treated. Now I have a notable and authentic list of possible misinformations people could start asking me about just because I have some accounts when searching my name under random misinforming accusations.

Also, a random mention;

I’ve worked on Roblox as a Modeler for approximately 3 years and a builder for 5. I am not at fault that games I work on tend to be unpromoted as many starting projects lack funds and ways to promote the game. It’s a crazy risk to pay money for Robux to promote the game since occassionaly there’s a chance that the ads get manipulated and overpaid leaving yours to be not visible to a huge chunk of users.


Absolutely agree, asset and plugin creators seem to often be neglected by Roblox despite being an integral part of the community.

We’ve seen this time and time again.

Followers are practically useless on Roblox, a 10K requirement of legitimate followers does seem high to me considering they do nothing.

We should actively be looking to decrease the requirements, not to make it more annoying. There’s quite a few developers on this platform that deserve to have a verification tick (e.g. someone who I’ve worked with recently works as a contributor to Emotes CO. and I honestly feel like they deserve having it) but the requirements are set way too high for this to be possible at the moment.

I would consider you notable to be completely honest. I would.

You’re probably one of the more notable people on these forums, I’ve definitely seen you around outside the developer space and fediverse.


so glad they’re implementing no bot followers!