Updated Verified Badge Criteria for Contributing Developers

Let me rephrase this.
I do not understand the ideal of how this system of verification works.

Moreover why does Roblox even do this if they’re not capable of following their own community and instead they insist on forcing features that could belittle some famous creators due to a small mistake of how the current process of trusting a creator is.

As it is right now and then many famous creators who stream or make videos online share usually one common thing and it is that they show their profile for others which usually leads them to gaining a significant amount of followers in exchange.
Most importantly, the Verified Badge is promoting an user to go to a different website which normally in moderational terms in Roblox, it would be not allowed. I mean, we cannot say ourselves the company names such as You**** or Disc*** because it’d get moderated, but Roblox can do it?
Anyway, I’m getting off-topic, so as I’ve mentioned,
Influencers and other similar people should be followed by the follower system while normal Experience Developers should be verified through certain parts of the processes that they can be a part of, DevForum interactions, Account Age, count of how long a user develops for in a studio.
And lastly, UGC Verified Badge creators are practically unable to get verified anyway since many other creators have already made through the first run of UGC uploads where people could have uploaded everything that hasn’t yet existed that could be considered profitable, but now it’s just gone downhill and there’s less to upload and to come up with. I’ve already been applying and never got through, I was literally waiting on monthly responses on Guilded for the support to check things through. I was told it was going to be checked within a month… months ago. I mentioned later again and they’ve said that they’re looking into it and after that it just lead to a stop and telling me that the current applications have ended. And this is complete blasphemy for this kind of situation to happen, but like sure the applications were filled with many users asking for it or either a lot of applications were just spam, but I’ve tried to at least get the chance before it gets locked in Premium which is just crazy.


It’s been months, they should at least view that some creators deserve that kind of badge so it’d be easier to tell if they can be trusted. It is verification afterall.

Notable and authentic literally say that it’s a badge dedicated for trust purposes, I literally have a spam of accounts name shaming me since I once just left a commission because I was not satisfied with how I was treated. Now I have a notable and authentic list of possible misinformations people could start asking me about just because I have some accounts when searching my name under random misinforming accusations.

Also, a random mention;

I’ve worked on Roblox as a Modeler for approximately 3 years and a builder for 5. I am not at fault that games I work on tend to be unpromoted as many starting projects lack funds and ways to promote the game. It’s a crazy risk to pay money for Robux to promote the game since occassionaly there’s a chance that the ads get manipulated and overpaid leaving yours to be not visible to a huge chunk of users.


Absolutely agree, asset and plugin creators seem to often be neglected by Roblox despite being an integral part of the community.

We’ve seen this time and time again.

Followers are practically useless on Roblox, a 10K requirement of legitimate followers does seem high to me considering they do nothing.

We should actively be looking to decrease the requirements, not to make it more annoying. There’s quite a few developers on this platform that deserve to have a verification tick (e.g. someone who I’ve worked with recently works as a contributor to Emotes CO. and I honestly feel like they deserve having it) but the requirements are set way too high for this to be possible at the moment.

I would consider you notable to be completely honest. I would.

You’re probably one of the more notable people on these forums, I’ve definitely seen you around outside the developer space and fediverse.


so glad they’re implementing no bot followers!


Still not sure what verified is trying to identify of a person (they are who they say they are? Fame? Infamy? How loud they are?), and still not sure why Roblox is using followers at all when this feature is currently vestigial and pointless. Use a weighted aggregate of marketplace likes, taken assets, game plays, favorites, sales, etc. Anything else.


This. Back when My Feed was removed the entire point of followers became pointless.

Use a different metric that isn’t so obviously exploitable.


Another update to feature which is pure Discrimination.

Discrimination Badge on most of the services is based on how many followers you have but not that you’re an authentic creator, this is not something that makes profile look authentic. No, Discrimination Badge became a symbol of someone hitting certain requirement, at this point just make it normal badge like Bricksmith or Homestead.

Give the badge to someone who is authentic and puts hard effort? No.
Give the badge to someone who has more numbers? Ofc yes.

Good joke.

Here you go, Chrome extension that removes this abomination of a feature on GitHub: GitHub - Clippsly/Discrimination-Badge-Remover: Remove verified badge from Roblox. Stop discrimination on the social media!


Besides this update, why have verified badges been rolled out so slowly? I have had over 3 million hours in my game over the last three-four months yet still do not have the badge.


how do i not have the badge? i have 300k, look through mines, not botted


Still unsure why a borderline/almost deprecated feature (followers) is being used to gauge verification status. I hope we can get a better system in the future that doesn’t rely on under supported roblox features and is more accepting of different types of developers.


Would you possibly have any information on when the next verified badge roll out will happen? I’ve met all of the requirements (including non botted followers) weeks ago, yet my group, or me never got verified. I also happen to own the group that has more than 1M play time hours to it, so followers shouldn’t even matter in my case, since I’m a legitimate owner and holder of the group.


Because I am genuinely confused.


when is the next wave getting sent out plz i want to know mens :frowning:


Makes me wonder, I have a lot of bot followers that I never asked for.

Could that potentially blacklist me from getting the badge though?
I have no idea how to get rid of bot followers and I do not want to accidentally remove genuine followers.


Good changes. There should be additional playtime milestones. 1.5m/ 120days and 3m / 365 days as rough examples. And getting any of the milestones should be considered sufficient enough. Not all games share the same shelf life!

Also, if someones followers are bots, you should really make them not display in the follower count. Because one, it means the bots successfully do their visual purpose, and secondly it serves to tell us our actual follow count. I would rather have a very lazy tracker of my follow count than one which isn’t helpful.


When is the verified badge next wave?
As a UGC creator, I have met all the Notability Requirements. but I have not yet received the Verified Badge.

In January, there is no wave yet.


I have lots of games over 1m visits, I feel like that should count (i am desperate since having the badge will boost player counts by alot for my upcoming massive project)


It’s 1m hours not visits, but still the Discrimination Badge should not be a reward but instead should have a authenticity meaning.


as a developer who has the badge, its nice to have it, but it becomes kinda annoying since people just assume your are a ““youtuber”” inside of games and just target you non-stop.

it’d be nice to have an option to disable the badge in-game.

edit: i probably shouldve made this a website feature request rather than making a comment…


I wonder what their next action will be, hopefully against the ones who farm followers via ads.