Updated Verified Badge Criteria for Contributing Developers

Do I have to apply? I have 315K followers, yet no verified badge.
Not botted too, check my followers:


So I can have a group with 400k+ members and a group with 80k+ members but I still need 10k profile followers to be verified … really …

What a pointless way to measure validity of an account, profile follows of all things.


This update has ups, and downs.

I like removing follow bot, but it limits the verified badfe.

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I understand the updated on the Verified Badge criteria. I get the need for authenticity, but what about smaller contributors like me and others?

I’ve contributed to successful games like Weaponry, but I don’t have a huge following…
Will there be a chance for us to be recognized too? Just curious about how this impacts smaller creators. image


How will this system work for groups & studios who have a holder account for a group/game?

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I completely agree that followers are a pretty ridiculous metric for the verified badge. I have had an active experience since 2021 and have accumulated over 35 million visits between my two experiences. Yet, I only have 3k followers, most of which were old friends that were converted to followers back when the friends was limited to 200 people.

Also how do the requirements work for developers who run multiple experiences? Mine are for more niche communities and is targeted to older audiences, so they don’t get as high player count as a more standard Roblox experience. They wouldn’t qualify me for the badge each on their own, but combined together they would.


What about malicious users who “bot-bomb” people who did not ask for it. A user can maliciously give an developer thousands of botted followers to get their verification badge removed or to prevent a developer from getting it in the first place.


I hope this is a good change for roblox checkmark
But sometimes I am a bit worried about, what about the person who bought the longest Playtime account and followed a certain person to get the blue tick symbol

Oh yes Regarding about the blue tick. It is likely that people will buy and sell accounts that have been blue ticked without us knowing it

This kind of blue tick is the same as youtube and
Which is where we have to touch a certain follower to get this tick symbol

I know Roblox means it’s good to appreciate the creators out there without being a star program

But there must be negative things that must be watched, if there is a good side then there will be a bad side

Sincerely AamTum.


Hmm that’s right, roblox will probably remove followers from the flamimgo account because at that time mrfimflam was once botted by someone

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If you block an account and unblock it a few seconds later, it won’t show up in your follower’s list anymore. It’s probably a bit time-consuming to do, but it’s definitely a working solution.

I also wouldn’t mind seeing a button that’s entirely based around that either, so it’s probably something that’s worth mentioning in #feature-requests.

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I’ve checked your account but as far as I can see, you’re not a contributor to a game with 1M hours in the past 90 days.

Followers itself doesn’t qualify for a badge.

By the way, why do people think that follower bots disqualify you completely? They’ve just said they’ll exclude them in the counting. So if you got botted, you’re not blacklisted.


Like @TheNexusAvenger and @PeZsmistic have said, I’m not sure why Roblox is using “follower count” to determine anything. Followers serve no purpose on the platform right now. It’d be better to use more actionable metrics, such as total visit counts of games contributed to.


If Roblox is going to be serious about having a Followers requirement for the blue verified checkmark, then Roblox should at the very least add a “FOLLOW” button to Profiles & in-game context menus.

I do agree with most of the above voices though, it feels like an unnecessary requirement right now. Hopefully as this phases into the future, it will eventually be no longer required, or reduced to allow more creator eligibility.


Those are some good points and although I can’t speak on behalf of Roblox, if it where not for the advertising for followers or the follower botting, then using followers might be a better way of verifying one’s notability or authenticity, as it would show more about people’s trust in somebody if they decided to follow more of a player for whatever reason, that has not already been mentioned.

This is partly why people were turning to advertisements to directly beg for followers, which they believe apparently makes them more “notable” and “authentic”, just because they get awarded a verified badge next to their name, by begging to the whole community to follow them. It’s slowly defeating the object of having a verified badge in the first place and it’s stupid.

“However, a verified badge does not imply an endorsement by Roblox.”

They are supposed to be more of an endorsement by the community I believe, and not necessarily by the Roblox platform itself. But how can we keep an increasing trust in our community if they decide to follow beggers to get them verified? It can become very misleading.

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Why does this requirement even exist at all, obviously this has been added so that random Roblox users cannot abuse the system and gain edit access to a large experience for a fee to get the badge but in all honesty, followers is not the way to do that. This system was already flawed with many notable creators not receiving the badge due to people not following them, this system does not work and some different system for authenticating that a creator actually contributed to an experience is needed.


Yes, it’s very strange how begging for 10k followers on advertisements makes you more “notable” and “authentic” by the community, rather than being more of a genuine contributor to an experience.

“Or, you are a contributor to such an experience and have at least 10K legitimate followers on Roblox.”

After you’ve recieved 10k followers, there are no checks or measures put in place to make sure that a player is a genuine contributor to an experience and is not just a random player who owns a game worth 100 visits for example, or am I wrong here?


I think that followers are useless for contributors or developers, to prevent people from selling or taking the badge in an illegal way, wouldn’t it be better to check the time spent in the group or just see how many hours on roblox studio has been done. Followers are no longer used anymore in addition to the fact that developers are not considered by game players.

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Maybe one day I have the possibility to get the verified badge or our group. The warning icon near the group feels like it means that people should watch out for us…


I don’t understand why the follower count of all things is used as a requirement. It’s an easily forgettable feature that doesn’t accurately reflect people’s actual popularity or reputation. As outlined by others in this thread, it’s clear that the current system is extremely skewed.

Uh, y’all are banning those accounts, right? 'cause calling it a day after only flagging said accounts makes ZERO sense.

All in all, *slams this down.*


Yes, as said in the original post

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