Updates and Changes to the UGC Catalog Application

What’s the threshold for this? Say someone had some moderation history before, would they be rejected, even if the moderation was two or more years ago?

Although I won’t be applying (Can’t use blender and no accessory ideas anyway), it’s neat that this finally happened, and I wish the best of luck to everyone else!


Yah, I agree. I just wish they would keep the same quality standards that they had before this in mind.


Wow, this is exciting! I wasn’t ready to apply in the last wave and I heard people talking about it being the last one! Luckily they were wrong and now they’re open permanently which is nice to see. Now I can spend a bit more time working on my application to get it just right!


You can screen shot your process showing you making the item from start to finish including your texturing. You need to show about 70% of the process. When I did mine I literally took a screenie of each major process of my model. I just got in on the last wave.


Best wishes to anyone applying!


I haven’t gotten an answer on this, and I know others are wondering, so I’ll ask again. Is there still an age requirement to join UGC? If I remember correctly, in the past there was a 18 or older requirement.


I believe that I read something on that before… I think it was you had to be 13+ but someone who was 18 would be chosen over someone who was 13 if that makes sense? I’ll try to find where I read that originally.


I was reading over the application form and it said to post your portfolio on the Talent Hub, I’m quite confused by this because I can only find “post a job”. How do I create a portfolio on the Talent Hub?


Yoooo, that sounds awesome!
I could technically apply and start creating my own hats and accessories?

Now I do have a few questions.
Since active members are expected. Does that mean that, in theory,
If I DID apply and got accepted.
Does that mean I have to dedicate a lot of my time to making UGC items or could I upload/submit creations whenever is the most convenient time for me?

I got a lotta projects and things to work on (some personal) so I wouldn’t be able to release like a new UGC item every week or so since it takes time to make quality items.

Is it required to make and upload UGC items once a week or so once you join the program?


The original post lightly touches on the subject of being able to commit to creating UGC assets:

It’s probably in your best interest, and the interest of other applicants to not apply if you are not able to consistently create new assets.


Bring 18+ was never a requirement, being 15+ is, and what ive seen in the past wave people applying under 15 dont recieve a response declined or acceptance


Is this a confirmed thing, or is it just coincidences that some people who didn’t get a response or were declined were under 15? I really don’t see why a something like this has an age requirement. Age really doesn’t determine skill. I’m not saying they should let 9 year old’s make hats on the catalog, but at least lower it to accommodate to a larger range of people. Just cause someone is younger doesn’t mean they can’t model.


This us confirmed, also if you will do application when you are almost 15 years old, you still wont get any response.

As i know


There are legal documents like NDA (non-disclose agreement) that needs to be signed minors can sign those but 14 year old is still very young while 15 is mid teens


im not to sure how to apply i made my model and stuff but what does it mean by document your creation process

also when i entered my birth date it kept saying please enter a valid date of form mm/dd/yyy


Your creation process is either a series of pictures or a video showing how you created the model so that they know you didn’t steal it from someone else.

The error for entering your birthdate will be that you didn’t enter it correctly. mm is month, dd is day and yyyy is year. So someone who was born on the 15th of November 2000 would enter 11/15/2000. The problem could be that you entered month and day the wrong way around because Roblox uses US English which also includes swapping the month and day.


oh well i already finished my model LOL how would i document it now do i just explain how i made it?

for the date thing i used words instead of numbers and it said something like i was entered or something but it only flashed on my screen and didnt move to a different page

also where do i link the images?


also i put the wrong age in just to see if it was a problem with age but idk


Unfortunately, you might have to restart so you can take some pictures, or if you still have the files open you can use ctrl-z (or cmd-z) and then go back and take some pictures.

You can’t use words, it has to be in number format.

The images for the creation process? You’d have to merge them into a video then upload it at the bit that says “Please upload your item creation documentation for your accessory here”. Also, it says that at least 75% of your creation process should be documented so I’d recommend just screen recording and then you don’t have to worry about putting too little into your creation process video.


I tried it and got the same error message, but I figured it out. If the month is before October, you have to put a 0 in front of it. Example: 01/30/1927.