Updates and Changes to the UGC Catalog Application

is anyone who got into the program willing to upload items to a group for either 50% item revenue or 9K robux per upload?


I think 9k Robux is too much for to upload


:smiley_cat: Are you saying you’d upload items for a lower price? (Maybe I wasn’t clear but I’m paying 9K after tax for every item uploaded.) if so DMS OMGG i really need someone who has permissions to upload :joy: we can negotiate later on aswell.


I’ve mentioned this before, but I fully believe that moderation of the UGC needs to be stricter, especially when you have users blatantly copying Roblox items outright, like the following example.


I’m becoming UGC creator and my Friend UGC member told me that.


It’s just a upload? Or are u looking for someone that who can make/model u UGC accessories and to Upload it?


yeah they literally flagged me today because of a shirt that i posted in 2017 but when ugc cretors copy limiteds doenst hapen anything to them… pretty much unfair


Rest in peace, UGC Dom #5. You did your job well and maybe we can avoid public UGC because of you.


I’ve curated better content for a UGC application so I’m sending in a second one since it’s been 5 months+ since I’ve last applied. Haven’t heard from them yet but I’ll see if this one will grab their attention.

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its too high since upload price cost like 700-750 robux idk exact but 9k way to high i wouldn’t pay someone that much for just a upload most people do pay 1k-3k for someone to upload there ugc for them

submitted my application earlier today, fingers crossed


It just keeps getting worse.


At this point, I think the UGC should be temporarily shut down for an undisclosed amount of time while damage control is done, and moderation enforced to the extreme. Because at this rate, Roblox is about to be hit with another lawsuit.

Garfield copyright violation.

Neon Genesis Evangelion copyright violation.

Five Nights at Freddy’s copyright violation.

Bleach copyright violation.

There are so many more examples out there that would take too long, and take up far too much space to list. But each one of these are clear violations of copyright. Copyright infringement occurs “when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner.”

That is what has happened here, thanks to the UGC. Roblox, you have been horribly lax these last few years with how you moderated copyright content, and the audio lawsuit should have been a wake up call. If UGC is allowed to continue unchecked like this, there is going to be another one, probably bigger than the last lawsuit.

You need to step it up.


I really didn’t want to make one more post about this, but I was just linked to these, and man, these are particularly bad.

Nintendo is notorious for going after copyright violations, and these would 100% absolutely be on their chopping block. Roblox, you have got to do something about the lack of UGC moderation. Don’t just focus on items that are a copy of your IPs, worry about items like these too!


wdym? like if something happened after?

if ur asking that, nothing happened after, just a reply xd


Just applied a few hours ago, i hope the 3 years of 3d modeling i spent were worth it!


its going to be a bit ive been waiting since April 7th sadly still have not received anything thinking about waiting 2 more months then re applying

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I’m in the UGC program, and it took me just under 8 months to get accepted. It’s likely to be a long wait sadly. Though, I know some have been luckier than others


From what I heard it’s not hard to get in, but rather it’s hard to hear back from them. But your experience should def help.

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Yeah, lots of people here said that they took months to get a response, and most still didn’t get a reply. I hope i get a response fast.