Updates and Changes to the UGC Catalog Application

Hello I have got a question, are the applications still open? Because I sent a message directily to roblox support and they had told me that the applications were now closed, and not perlanently opened!
So can I send mine or not?

Yes, UGC applications are open, and will be until said otherwise by a staff on the DevForum. It might be because of the bots controlling Roblox’s Support and giving outdated answers.


required 4k triangles(Max) and 1.2k vertices(Max)
u just can’t go over that limit


I think that limit for vertices does not exist, and neither for faces, because I analyzed UGC items published in the catalog and all do not maintain this limit for vertices


Well, good news for you! 'cause the Applications are permanently open!


to apply in the program there is a limit.
after that creators create anyway
so much so that later on they are breaking the rules of not creating copyrighted items (ie they don’t care about some things like limiting vertices and triangles anymore)

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when I emailed them they sent me a link saying something like [CLOSED] UGC Catalog Apps - Now Open!
I was very confused

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where did you get this information from?, nor in messages above that mention the requirements do they talk about vertex limits

several and several influencers who were accepted into the program said this, it makes no sense for everyone to say the same thing if there is no source
as a precaution, it is recommended to do below the limit given

acabei de ver que você tbm é do brasil kkkkk

Caraca nem sabia que voce era brasileiro kk, eu estou tentando entrar no programa UGC, Você ja faz parte do programa? Tambem queria saber se a textura tem um limite de tamanho, qual voce me recomendaria 256 x 256 ou 1024 x 1024 ?

Eu ainda não entrei para o programa, mas ja me inscrevi.
Sobre a textura, me falaram que o máximo era 1024 x 1024.

E mais uma duvida, dizem que tambem precisa usar no blender um tsl de dimensioned xyz 1.0 object mode, precisa usar?

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Hello! I have got another question, can I resend my application without getting disqualified? I accidentally sent mine without verifying it, so now, I’m a bit worried!

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You can resend it. Like me because I got the Portfolio wrong last time


I have a doubt, vertices have limits??

Pretty sure what they do is:
Review applications, put asside accepted and declined ones, and then send accepted people an email in waves separated by a few months, and the rejected people they send a email in a very large “wave” a very long time after (For emphazis they like stack up a very large amount of rejected applications and then send them over), so for example 1 guy applies today, he gets rejected then he gets a rejected email in like a year (don’t doubt it), but a guy who applied 1 month before the date the other guy got an answer and gets rejected, he also gets a rejected email that same day. Idk if this makes a lot of sense lol, this just what I think happens.


Can anyone tell me if I have a chance of being accepted or declined?, I submitted my application a few weeks ago, and my model has Vertcs: 4703, Faces: 5779, Tris: 9062, and the texture size is under 1024x 1024



After 1.3 years, no one even wrote to me. I don’t see any reason to apply anymore, because they are ignored
I understand a month, three, six, but waiting a year for only one answer to one application is too long for me :skull: :skull: :skull:


Theres no limit, only a limit to 4k tris :slight_smile: