Updates and Changes to the UGC Catalog Application

I add seams and manually unwrap mine, so I can control the uv map layout. Best of luck to you.


Are they still accepting people even though they’ve removed the link? I mean those who’ve applied a while ago.


i got the same response that applications are closed then they send you the old link they have not updated it to the current link at the very top of the thread but yeah ive also applied back in april and never got a email back sadly so i feel like they either one dont want to point us in the right direction or they are just more focused on there update and not really going through applications idk tbh all i can say is if you have guilded id say try and contact one of those people within the link they provided to you or see if you can find that individual and maybe try and shoot them a dm if can see if they can help you out


maybe they have but i feel like they should still atleast give us a response instead of keeping us waiting in the dark as a whole i feel like if you have people applying atleast provide them with info on there case but i see both ways but as i said before on on coming things rn ugc creators theres alot of duplicates with small tiny changes done to them but as a whole i still feel like those who took the time should get a faster chance to get accepted instead of those who are waiting for public becuse those who applied atleast took there time put there full effort into it instead of those who might upload random things without trying when public releases.


I got accepted its just link expired also I actually got this when I emailed them the situation again


How were you accepted for the UGC program if you don’t have a portfolio with models on the talent hub?


I have one on WDYM


Could you send me a print and specifications of the model you sent in the application?


and how long did you wait for the answer?


i applied back in december 2022 and got accepted september 13th 2023


and idk what you mean by that. sorry


well im still waiting because when I got accepted there was a bug with the link to get UGC access on my account. Like the link said you don’t have access. so they prob misstyped my email.


I want a screenshot of the access you envied in the UGC program application



From what I saw, you are jealous of access without using the application, but how?

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So they are accepting or not? I see so many replies that says they are not accepting anymore but then people get accepted too, anyone?


sadly thats what the staff does they have copy and paste lines and thats what happens wheni contacted them about when i applied in april they sent me the link that said they was only selecting certain few people then i said nono your wrong then i said you guys clearly updated it after a while in which you guys as roblox should update your links becuse i sent them the link to this one and said right here it states update and changes that you guys as roblox have opened it up to more people to apply so please update it and stop sending people the wrong link
in which i still aint got a reply but see if they get back with you if not then i would just wait till the public rolls out becuse theres alot of ugc creators quitting becuse the need for premuim will be required for uploads to ugc if premuim runs out then your items get tooken off sale but as a whole alot have said if they cant afford to keep premuim then it is what it is since roblox is taking way more % sadly i dont think it will be 30% that the creators will get edventually it sooner or later the way all this is headed roblox will end up taking more and more and the creator will end up getting 10% to years to come from the direction thats been shown in the update


I’m extremely confused, a week ago they told us that they are sunsetting the UGC program but now they started to accept more people when it’s supposed to go public in a few weeks??? What is going on lol


yea weird ugc application link is gone so idk …


I heard that a public UGC program will be added in October.
Will there be any more announcements and further details? If so, where?