Updates and Changes to the UGC Catalog Application

Sorry but the girl mentioned up isnt wrong, these requirments are only for UGC Creators., same i tought its was the new requirments for become one UGC Creator but i’am wrong…


Man I would like to see the applcation open again


• 1.000 - 2.000 rbx
• Premium
• ID verified l

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Only for UGC Creators into program, i know its not make alot sense but is so, i have Premium 2k and ID Verified so i guess cant upload anything because i’m not into program which is bit frustrating, idk why i should maintain my premium membership at this point.


I don’t have ugc and this appeared in my premium


Same i see that but i dont understand what they doing, another question is why they closed program if it was permanently open??


That is true. It’s not very permanent right now and is not made better with the lack of information to the dev community.


This for UGC program people only?


You need premium in order to upload (t-)shirts and pants (classic), but I think you need to be in the program to upload other stuff. If so, then I don’t know why ROBLOX even bothered announcing some confusing policy if it is basically the same.

It would be much more helpful if a ROBLOX employee or someone who knew about the program at its current state would come forward, but apparently we have no information about the application and the policy is confusing.


For this reason i would take a break from roblox for some months, first they said October during RDC, after they delayed it and said u need verify ur ID and premium 1k or 2k for 15 january without specified is only for UGC Creators into program, i wont be rude but this situation look like a troll.

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After looking into all the announcements and notes here and there. I start believing that public UGC is coming :+1:
If you want to upload UGC , you have to do it in Studio.
At the moment if you are not part of the UGC program when saving your item the tick box :white_check_mark: for avatar item is not available and you can only save it as developer item.
I believe that if your subscription 1000 or 2200 renewed after 16th of January and you are ID verified, the option will become available.

If any roblox employee reads this please respond and prove me wrong.

Thank you :pray:


Bro can’t they just making it clear instead of letting us guess wha is happening bruh


I dont think we getting UGC Public very soon i hope.


I think the UGC applications will open before that link gets clicked 30,000 times.


Aren’t applications supposed to be opened permanently? Is there something I missed?


I think they would open application again but with a new survey mybe more bit simple and mybe this time they would accept who apply for it, i just making suppositions but i really hope would be like how i say, if they wont release UGC Public ok but please make a better survey more accessible to everyone and not that much hard like the precedent one!


“permanently” :skull:

this is a lie


I’m a very talented modeler and I didn’t get accepted so I hope the next application would be open to more creators because I can probably do way better than the UGC creators now because they are just uploading copies of limited and other low quality models.


Same too i apply 2 times without any answer by them, and i’am good to blender i have some crowns made by me would really share with Roblox Community, i hope next time we getting accepted!


already been through this with them. i got no where i even sent the upated link to them and still got it all kicked under the rug thats been way back in april i sent more info here if ya scroll up to there on whats to come ect info pulled from twitter ect when it was around the roblox convention thing. what i got from the info i gathers since back then was they where only able to accept around 15 people or so per week or month but idk if its true but i gave up on trying us that has been submitting applications and waiting for a year got no answers back either.