Updates to Item Holding Periods [Marketplace]

Use your head and think about it before talking nonsense. As if beaming/account compromising wasn’t bad enough, imagine how much worse it would be if anyone could trade.

Can’t afford a $4.99 monthly payment? Then I think you should spend your free time trying to resolve that instead of using it to trade on Roblox.

I would be very surprised if public UGC was not also locked behind premium.


Majority of players don’t trade- this is not going to impact Roblox’s revenue.
This change has both good and bad sides, but in my opinion it’s overall good. I used to trade on Roblox and CS:GO regularly. CS:GO has 7 day hold… even worse. Yet still, trading is thriving on that game. I don’t think this change is as big as people are making it out to be.


I’m completely disappointed that Roblox believed it was the correct decision to add holding periods on trades. The community was overall deliberate in what was wanted, a decrease in the holding period. And while that has been somewhat resolved with the 7-day reduction on subsequent resales, the addition of being forced to wait to trade limiteds is absurd.

Trading and reselling of limiteds are two of the small handful of features apart of the Roblox Premium deal, and by forcing users to have to wait and practically waste their Premium subscription for a arbitrary holding period to lapse I think only devalues the prospect of Roblox Premium as a service/product that I would want to purchase (and I think others would be inclined to agree.)


Thank you for reducing the hold period for subsequent resales, it was so bad before. This makes a lot more sense.

For trading, I guess it makes sense. Just will be weird to get used to.


This is a big maybe, we have no reason to believe it will be any better from Roblox support’s end.

If there is no change within moderation, this change does nothing for those affected by things like account compromises and does everything to ruin the fluidity of trading for everyone else.


Good job Roblox. Making bad updates and pretending people asked for them. Trading is gonna be bad now.


True… this change does make it easier for support to say “well it’s under trade hold so we’ll reverse it” rather than “the trade is completed, we cannot reverse your trade”

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As these matters barely get moderated on time anyways this is ultimately nothing less than a placebo. I could name half a dozen accounts with stolen items right now off the top of my head that are perfectly untouched. In any case the effects of such a change are terrible, with the erroneous tax on items already a great disconnect, harming the liquidity of tradeable items will only further worsen the ongoing inflation of items as consumers have a negative cost associated with trading any of their items on a frequent basis. It’s just frustrating that incompetency in terms of enacting policy is passed down to users as a form of indirect tax.


This change is extremely upsetting and will take a huge toll on the trading community. I’ve been a trader for several years now, and trading, especially for high demand items and smalls, is unbelievably fast-paced, and putting in any sort of holding period for them is not a good idea due to the volatility of these items and how the economy has always relied on this to keep it alive. When every trader is stuck behind a holding period, what’s the incentive to buy Premium to make trades when most of it is stuck in this period?

Not really enjoying the incredibly long holding periods for UGC items either - buying an item just to wait 30 days, basically your entire Premium subscription to have to renew it is a slow process, and the initial hype for new UGC items can quickly die.

If this change is for security, can’t we instead have trading as a feature only for accounts with 2FA via Authenticator? Or even Security Keys? That way only accounts with owners that go through their own effort to keep their account safe instead of relying on Roblox for rollbacks will be able to contact support.

Definitely not a fan of this, and I seriously hope this holding period is either greatly shortened, or cut out completely, but Roblox’s transparency when it comes to the catalog hasn’t been the best recently so who knows.


Although this update will prevent players from getting their items stolen and sold on the blackmarket, it also will make trading way slower and make it the trading community as a whole die out.


I wouldn’t say its entirely ruined however for people who trade smaller items this update will be really bad for them. Along with most traders in general.


Please revert this. Even one day practically makes it impossible for beginning traders to progress. Too much happens in that amount of time with limiteds. This is unfair towards people that want to learn to trade and start from smalls.


This doesn’t quite prevent items from being stolen though, as the holding period only takes place after your items are traded. So the people who took your items would just have to wait 2 days before selling them off.


RIP trading…

atleast Scammers will have one hard time now


I disagree with this. I saw a post once meaning limiteds have always been fast paced, putting all items on freeze for 3-7 days after buying is a really trashy idea.

I’m happy about the decrease in the obnoxiously long holding period on UGC limiteds, but still, I hope that the change to the new Roblox limiteds holding period is undone, unless I’m majorly misunderstanding something.

Edit: seems like other people are comparing about this for the same reason, please revert it! i wrote this when the thread was made expecting it to be opened within 10 minutes, but it took 42…?


why would you trade though, just a waste of time and money

you literally gain nothing from it except virtual items and currency, which cannot even be devexed


Congratulations, Roblox, on ruining trading for everyone! I’m not even a trader, but now I definitely wouldn’t be, why would I pay for 30 days of premium when half of it is going to be spent on waiting for the holding periods?


These changes are awesome, with less holding period on reselling UGC limiteds but still reasonable UGC limiteds will improve (but i wish resellers still got more cut. The trading holding period is great to stop the scammers, but i wished the trading holding period was 7 or higher instead of just 2 days.

I have, i don’t want people stealing my account and being able to instantly trade away all my items.


Now people can’t even profit, who cares if some beamer took their 30k limited, at least they learned, and can earn they’re way back up, but now they can’t even do that. Roblox is worse than beamers, instead of wiping out the beamers they wipe out innocent people who just want to trade


Now people can’t even profit, who cares if some beamer took their 30k limited, at least they learned, and can earn they’re way back up, but now they can’t even do that. Roblox is worse than beamers, instead of wiping out the beamers they wipe out innocent people who just want to trade.