Updates to the Roblox Terms of Use [May 2024]

You would have to delete your account before the changes go live unfortunately which is a really bad opt out system


Awful dystopian garbage. Iā€™m inches away from deleting my account.


Ironically roblox was a unicorn lol.

Iā€™m not too fond of the fact that UGC will be used for training generative AI, to be honest.

When we upload a model to ROBLOX will we receive the option to allow our model for AI purposes or not? This is something that exists on Artstation for example. They automatically glaze your picture for example.

And how will we be able to disapprove ā€œdisclosing certain personal information to advertising partners to provide a more personalized advertising experience.ā€ Or does this also have to be requested in a Support email?

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I do not consent to having anything i have created or modified on this platform being used to train AI

A decent amount of assets (specifically images and audios) I have uploaded were both created by someone else and under a license or agreement (see: Creative Commons Sharealike and Valveā€™s policy on fangames) that doesnā€™t allow you to train an AI without every asset created by it having credits to the original creator


Roblox will only share contact identifiers and device identifiers with third parties once users have options regarding how their data is handled. Contact identifiers may include name, email address, and phone number. Device identifiers include device IP address, device ID, or other identifiers that identify a computer or mobile device.

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Roblox will provide users with controls to adjust the disclosing of personal information to third parties within their privacy settings. These will be accessible under Settings > Privacy

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We are still planning to deprecate User Ads and we will share an update in advance of the final date.

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Just to clarify for those wondering.
Group owned Places show up in the Data Sharing page as well.


Will users be able to opt out their UGC content from being used in the machine learning and model training?


We will share more details in a few weeks.

Will the generative AI scraping start in a few weeks? or is all our stuff already getting scraped before we even get the chance to opt out? I should be grateful I have the option to change the stuff thatā€™s stolen but if itā€™s already happening I donā€™t feel safe having all the things I created fed to some AI model.


Yeah, this seems like a pretty big point. Having assets made by the people forcefully be put into a data scrambler seems very not good. UGC is horrible enough being fed to AI (hopefully it should be opt-in, (not even opt out because this shouldnā€™t be a part of it anyway) but it didnā€™t sound like it within the text.), but not in experience content & assets. ā€“ Wait, hold up, the term UGC is considered to be everything thatā€™s made or published on the platform. It seems they say that the player has an option to choose what it is and isnā€™t used, but itā€™s also said they have rights to use ugc published on their platform for machine learning. Yeah, they donā€™t make it real clear, which may be the point, but lets just hope for the best.


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