Updating Experience Guideline Policies to Keep Our Younger Users Safe

My main account has the birthday offset by 10 years because of dumby past old me, now I cannot play a single game! :grinning:

Thank you Roblox, really, 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾.


You can change your account birthday <13 now, following a recent update.

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By giving my id to the company? :smiley:

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No, from what I know you can just change it, but I’ll check.

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It does ask you for your ID if <13 at the moment of changing the age (most likely to avoid random children from escaping parental controls).

It only asks if you change your age to be above 17+ (assuming based on above post), if not, maybe add parental controls and allow yourself to change it to >13? Either way, you can just email support and they can correct it.

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It happens if you try to set it above 13+ from what I’ve seen, parental controls seem to also require some sort of document (again, to avoid children’s easy escape), I have tried emailing from support ages ago multiple times, they just correct you and tell you somewhere along the lines of “Setting your account age incorrectly is against our terms of use”.

:brick::brick::brick: wall


Are there any plans to update the content descriptors to support PolicyService so we can dynamically comply with these requirements? To be more specific, the free-form user creation bit. I’ve updated my game to have a separate all ages version, and this update has kind of killed my physics simulation game. This was half-targeted towards children. I’ve lost about more than 60% of my players and discoverability of the game has actually been tarnished for users under 13. I can’t even advertise my all ages version, since you cannot advertise to <13 users in the first place.

We REALLY need a way to detect to these certain types of users so our game can dynamically comply.


I’d love if this existed, it would allow me to add special details available to those 17+ and not have to worry about the game only being playable by a small percentage of people who would play my game.

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I absolutely wanna make games that a large audience can play but I REALLY care about certain details as artistic choice / world building.

There is intend behind every thing I do, but I understand that I cannot show extreme violence to <17 users so I want this “censor service” that allows me to selectively enable/disable it without having to update/upload the same game twice.


Only problem I see with this is that it would technically allow <17 players to make >17 games (since, this assumedly wouldn’t show up on the questionnaire), which I don’t really care about but I know Roblox definitely wouldn’t want.

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Nah, only 17+ users can make 17+ games, but <17 users can play it, they just won’t see certain effects and content.

It basically enables “safe mode” if you join an experience without being verified.


I mean I’m assuming you want the service to get past the questionnaire, so that 17+ players can still have 17+ features but <17 players can’t.

(I meant 17+ features, not games, sorry)


Does games using TextService:FilterStringAsync get an exception from the free-form user creation rules?

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questionnaire does NOT appear for me bro :skull:

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Can’t you guys just moderate it? That seems like the better solution instead of taking away chat.

Also, everyone’s immune to predators, its not just people under 13. Please moderate instead of taking away!

Hi Everyone,

Today, we’ve started enforcing the changes we announced last month. Starting today, users under 13 are not able to play experiences without content maturity labels, and soon won’t be able to search or discover these experiences.

We highly recommend you fill out the experience questionnaire so that your experience receives a content maturity label and is available to more users. Go to Creator Hub > Creations > Select an experience > Audience > Maturity & Compliance.


Thank you.


Will the social hangout label get enforced since the top hangout games still uses the “Minimal” label

Any labels that resulted from previously taking the questionnaire will remain applied to the experience, assuming the experience wasn’t moderated. Beginning this week, we will begin moderating experiences for these two new interactive features as well as the fear descriptor. So we recommend that for this and any future policy updates, you promptly retake the questionnaire to ensure your experience remains labeled.


Hi there,

Your experience must meet both criteria below to be considered a social hangout:

  1. The primary theme or activity is to chat with, or otherwise interact with, other users (strangers or friends) with voice or text
  2. Players interact with others as themselves or as their avatar

If you meet this criteria but it is not the primary theme or activity in your experience it is out of scope for this policy.