Updating Experience Guideline Policies to Keep Our Younger Users Safe

Guess the spray paint game will just have to die even though they have strict moderation in place of their own… :skull:

Okay, well maybe this wouldn’t affect WTRB or any game that fixes and uses the stamper tools.

But this doesn’t answer the question for other games that don’t use the Stamper tools. Take Community Construction, a game from 2006 as an example.

Yes, I did. I find this obscure, I am asking for clarification. I have spoken with my colleagues over this as well.

It’s okay, don’t worry! I got the idea.

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yea no don’t worry about that lol

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Great, I was pretty sure this wouldn’t affect them. But I wanted to double check just in case.

if you have played it, it is clear it is not strict enough

Decent update.
Can we please get some kind of censoring service for 13+ / 17+ cross-play games tho?

Using a service to replace beer bottles and tone down blood for 13+ users is a lot easier than maintaining 2 different versions of the same game.

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From what I’ve read, it only says that drawing will be restricted to users 13 and older.

Adding tools to an experience is incredibly easy. What is stopping social hangout games from adding basic roleplay elements to bypass this policy?

What is the threshold, and how will Roblox determine what “roleplay”, and what “hangout” is?


When you say <13 users won’t be able to play, does this mean that <13 users can’t play Roblox experiences or what?

Ok so how would you differentiate a “social game” from say a show case style place etc that’s basically like what “vibe” games are. Its a bit vague because anything can be just a social place.

I mean I’m not saying this is a bad update because there’s a lot that gets through moderation, but at the same time this makes me wonder how bad it would effect some places/games.

Now I know this isn’t really an easy thing to do with out there being complications, as we see it lots with false warnings and bans, then the other necessary resources that goes into it, but maybe roblox should work on betterment of moderation to keep certain things from passing.

They can’t play Roblox experiences which belong to the categories stated in the main post.

So games which aren’t age-rated, hangout games and free-form games.

Do I have to re-take the questionaire if I already did it?


Dw brookhaven and adopt and raise a baby gets special exceptions because they need their visits!

How are u gonna differentiate social and roleplay games lmao, atleast this is a good change compared to the group wall one, but it’s pathetic knowing this all stemmed from a single twitter post.

You might be right. I’m not quite sure though, because the original post said:

This makes it seem like anything that draws the attention away from talking to other users outside of roleplay is allowed, but because it only lists items and roles as examples, I guess we’ll find out later :man_shrugging:

Not that hard to differentiate between the two. In social games you just join to make friends and talk and in roleplay games you, well, play a role as someone or something.

…And what if my game combines elements of both social hangout and roleplay?

In my experience, which is based on an endless train ride, players can take on different roles like passenger, conductor, cook, and police officer. Each role comes with its own roleplaying tools, and there’s even a special gamepass for these. However, if a player doesn’t want to roleplay - they can simply sit back and enjoy the train’s atmosphere. How should I handle this mix of gameplay styles?

I agree; the description says that the game is primarily made for social interaction with other players. However, in the experience itself, the overwhelming majority of players are role-players rather than people just there to vibe

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Brookhaven should fall under this but won’t because you can roleplay in it. Theres an obvious loophole here that vibe games can exploit anyway and still fall under all ages

I didnt go in detail and or use grammar since im on phone and cant be bothered, but there are other replies that talk about this


Good new addition Roblox. By the way guys, Its easy to differentiate between a hangout and a roleplay, mainly based on the fact that hangouts have the word “Hangout” in thier name. Equally there should be no reason for users under the age of 13 to be in hangout games anyway, so technically this is just roblox reinforcing a feature which I highly approve of.